I took these photos of my own objects, that had a memory and meaning behind them. I experimented using the camera from different angles, birds eye-view, and straight on. This created interesting formations, with different focal points catching your attention in different parts of the photo. I used different light settings and back drops which emphasised the nostalgia theme as well as my objects.
Final Images
This is my final image, experimented with different edits to create the ‘nostalgic’ theme. I chose different angled objects which added interesting textures, while also creating the unique arrangement like the still life photographers did.
Here I turned the photo in black and white as I think this straight away makes the photo a lot more interesting, as it creates more depth and structure to the photo. As you can see, I have experimented with different features where I could really highlight the objects, creating a lot of depth which made different shadows and tones on certain areas which weren’t shown as clear when in colour.