
For this photoshoot, as a class we went to listen to a mini lecture at the SJ photo archive learning all about the archives and some history about photographers on the island.

We then went on a tour around st helier harbour with an old sea captain called Sir Captain Nibbs. who told us all about the history of the harbour and the fishermen from back in the day who were involved in the Jersey cod trades.

To finish off we then went for another walk around the harbour on the other side and took more photos of the boats and interesting areas in which represented the fishing trade then and now.

Photoshoot contact sheet


Here I have taken a good range of images which represent different parts of the harbour. There are photos of the older boats and some of the newer modern boats. I have images of Captain Nibbs with his official captain hat on whilst giving us a presentational speech about the harbour and the work that did and still goes on now.

One thought on “Y13: ST HELIER HARBOUR”

  1. Shannon, it’s a good first shoot but be more creative with the way you present your images using a combination of gallery (2-3 images in a row/ column) and individual images. In addition you need to provide some annotation of how/ why you selected images, how you adjusted them, image analysis of your best 1 or 2 images and a final evaluation. Also extend your evaluation commenting on what to do next.

    See check list below:

    – Create a Blogpost with edited images and an evaluation; explaining what you focused in your shoot and how you intend to develop your next photoshoot.
    – Analyse a couple of your best images using Photography Vocabulary Sheet, perhaps even comment on the Decisive Moment within the images, if appropriate

    EVALUATING: Upon completion of photoshoot and make sure you evaluate and reflect on your next step of development. Comment on the following:

    -How successful was your photoshoot?
    – What references did you make to artists references? – comment on technical, visual, contextual, conceptual?
    – How are you going to develop your project from here? – comment on research, planning, recording, experimenting.
    – What are you going to do next? – what, why, how, when, where?

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