Overall, I think my work related closely to Anthropocene as I communicated this through the use of different techniques that interested me from Edward Burtnysky and George Marazakis. Each artist inspired me differently as they were very different in how they portrayed their message. This was what I liked about both, as I could explore from different views and thought processes in order to create my response.
Edward Burtnysky
Burtnyskly explored more the infrastructure and industry side, capturing in abstract ways, which acts as a straight up message, as you don’t have to look for the message he wants to tell you, instead it there, right in front of you. His technique is very much giving you the straight up, real view, wanting you to see for what it is, in other words not sugar coating disasters that are happening all around us.
In response, I used unique perspectives to achieve this look which showed the abstract and detailed look I was going for. I visited Val De La Mere reservoir as this showed a unique contrast between natural and industrial infrastructure. From capturing different views along the reservoir gave interesting perspectives look at giving a stronger message.
George Marazakis
For this photoshoot, I enjoyed looking at Marazakis work and the unique techniques he uses which overall created an interesting ‘subtle’ message. This different, but effective way of communicating messages that overall has a big impact on our world. I found creating photos in this way showed different views engaging you in different ways. This closely links to Anthropocene because this unique way shows us humans impact on the world, allowing you to see from different angles things happening.