

I chose to edit the photos, which are highlighted green, because they have the best composition and are the clearest photos, as some of the other photos I had taken were a bit blurry and out of focus.

I edited this photo to make the colour clearer and to give the photo more texture and lines. I did this by increasing the texture and clarity, while decreasing the contrast, highlights, blacks and whites.

Aperture: f/4.5

Shutter speed: 1/50sec

ISO: ISO-2000

I edited this photo to make it clearer and to have the words stand out more on the page, by giving the photo more texture. I did this by increasing the shadows and the whites, while also decreasing the highlights.

Aperture: f/4.5

Shutter speed: 1/50sec

ISO: ISO-2000

I edited this photo to make it more bright and bold, and giving it a lot more texture and shadows. I did this by increasing the contrast, whites, texture and contrast, while also decreasing the highli8ghts, blacks and shadows slightly.

Aperture: f/4.5

Shutter speed: 1/50sec

ISO: ISO-2000

I edited this photo to enhance the colour slightly and make it more clear. I did this by increasing the shadows slightly and decreasing the highlights and blacks slightly.

Aperture: f/4.5

Shutter speed: 1/50sec

ISO: ISO-2000

I edited this photo to enhance the whites in the photograph. I did this by increasing the shadows and whites, while decreasing the highlights and blacks.

Aperture: f/4.5

Shutter speed: 1/50sec

ISO: ISO-2000

I edited this photo by increasing the shadows and whites, while decreasing the highlights and blacks. I did this to brighten the photo and enhance the white.

Aperture: f/4.5

Shutter speed: 1/50sec

ISO: ISO-2000


Overall, I think my photoshoot went well, as I do like the photos I have chosen and edited. However, next time I would like to play around with my presentation for and experiment with different objects and compositions. I also need to practise keeping a steady hand and making sure the camera is in focus, so I can get clearer photographs. However, I think my editing went quite well, as I was able to give the photographs more contrast and make them clearer.

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