Occupation locations – Then and now, The effects of Anthropocene:
(For this image, I went on a historical walk around the area of plemont and how much it has changed since the second world war).
These are my photoshoots combined into a contact sheet, for my first contact I toke images of the historical site at plemont, with its mix of architecture from 2 different time periods with how they compare today, i thought it would be an interesting location. For my second photoshoot i focused on areas with direct influence of German bunker architecture such as cornier and Elizabeth which i had gathered historical photos to make comparison images from then and now with. Some mini-photoshoots are included like old buildings in town and in the agricultural museum, Hamptonne.
Green coloured:
These photos are rated 4 – 5 on the star rating, and are flagged: This means that they fit the aesthetic of Anthropocene, and incorporate elements associated to it and my photoshoot plans.
Yellow coloured:
These images are taken well but lack the correct amount of exposure, need to be cropped, re-adjusted with their angles or contain unwanted obstacles.
Red coloured:
These images did not fit the aesthetic because they where either blurry, poorly taken or did not fit the concept I was basing my photoshoot off.
Elizabeth Castle images – Then and now comparison