Comparison and Evaluation/ Environmental Portraits – George Blake


For my Environmental Portraits my main inspiration were on the Photographers: August Sander and Alec Soth.

Comparison –

Inspired by Sanders use of full body shots I aimed for that effect in some of my photos.

Sander can also be seen to use a low F-stop on his camera, this creates a blurred back ground effect, highlighting the features of the subject. In the photos of my dad, I aimed to try and mimic that.

Seeing how Alec Soth had his subjects hold props in some photos I tried to replicate that when me and my friends played airsoft.

With the one of the key features of this project being to capture a story within a photo, I looked at some of Karen Knorr’s photographs where she had taken photos of someone in a military uniform.

Seeing how I am apart of the Air Cadets and my dad had a career In the army I had my own attempt at her genre.


To improve my photos I will play around with the settings some more to create other desired outcomes in my photos. I believe I could improve on how I manage the exposure as some of my photos came out either to dark or too bright, which wasn’t what I wanted.

Overall, I think I created some good final outcomes that can be seen to fit the Genre of Environmental Portraits.

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