lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

I took the original image and changed it into black and white to create a more dramatic and moody atmosphere. By removing the colour, I tried to emphasize the shadows and contrasts, which helped in adding a sense of darkness and confusion. Through my editing, I enhanced these elements to give the image an intense, almost unsettling feel, giving a sense of uncertainty and confusion.

Here are the slight changes I made to the image.


lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

Again here, I took a different image and changed it to black and white to give off a more ominous and mysterious mood. By taking away the colour, I highlighted the contrasts and shadows, which expressed the sense of unease. Through some extra editing, I amplified these dark elements to create a feeling of uncertainty, adding a dramatic and intense effect to the image. I also added a blur on the images to show the confusion and representing being lost.

Virtual copy

Created a double to keep the original image and still be able to edit and play with the copy.

Edit 3

lightroom editing

Edit 4

Lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

Edit 5

lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

Edit 6

lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

edit 7

lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

edit 8

lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

edit 9

lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

edit 10

lightroom editing

Here is the original image ^

edit 11

lightroom editing

edit 12

lightroom editing

edit 13

lightroom editing

edit 14

lightroom editing

Writing page for the photobook

Font : perpetua tilting mt



  • 3 words – My faith journey.
  • A sentence – I want to represent my journey to finding my faith and the emotions that come with it.
  • A paragraph – I would really like to use documentary photography to represent in detail the journey of finding my faith using hidden messages and drawings to show the emotions I had felt in specific moments.

My Photobook Design

  • How you want your book to look and feel – I want my book to look ominous and eye catching, something that would really grab the readers attention and make them want to properly look through and understand the stories behind my images. To make this happen I am planning on using one of my darker images to give that feel. I would like it to feel somewhat lightweight with a nice smooth feel to it.

  • Paper and ink – I am going to be using black & white images in the first half of the photobook therefore I wanted the paper to be black to make sure the photos looked well and fit the book. for those black pages I used white text to make sure it was visible. However for the second half of the photobook, it was all light images so I used white paper this was also representing the light at the end of darkness for these pages I used black text to make it stand out.

  • Format, size and orientation – With the sizing of my images, every image within the photobook was A4 and filled the whole page. The orientation of all images within the book were portrait images.

  • Binding and cover – For my photobook I decided on a hard cover I chose this as for me it seemed like the best fit and it was the most aesthetically pleasing. For the actual look of the cover I had used an image which I created to represent my faith and made it an image wrap going around the whole cover to create a mysterious effect so that it draws the readers attention closer and making them want to open the book and look through it.

  • Title

For the title I had a few ideas, I originally came up with calling it “chosen” I had originally decided on this as it was relevant to the fact that I feel chosen by God. However I then also decided that I also liked the name “ichthus” This one has a lot of meaning, in Greek this word means ‘fish of Jesus’. It has more hidden meaning than just that, each letter stands for something individually. the overall meaning is ‘Jesus Christ Son Of God Saviour’ I felt this would have been a really good title for my photobook as it represents what my photobook was about and the story behind it. In the end I decided to call it ‘Captured by the Spirit’, I decided on this as it not only incorporates the fact I captured the images with my camera but also the fact that the Holy Spirit had entered me almost as if it was representing the fact it captured my life. I really liked the fact it was representing two things at once, one being the literal camera capture of photographs and the other being the metaphorical capture of being taken by the faith.

  • Editing and sequencing – for my images I am going to edit them according to which side of the photobook they are going in, for the first half of the photobook the images are going to be in black & white to represent the confusion and uncertainty of life before finding faith so for these images I will edit them with a higher contrast, less whites and emphasizing the blacks and darker parts of the images whilst having the black & white filter on them. Whereas for the second half of the images they will not have a black and white filter they will have a bright enlightening filter (N7) representing the light, peace and joy life brings after finding faith.

  • Images and text – For my images I have half and half to create the storyline, the first half of the photobook I have made all of the images black & white to represent the darkness of being lost before finding faith. Then the second half of the images in the photobook were in full colour with a lot of calming and cool colours to represent the joys and peace after finding faith and the feelings it brings with it. For my photobook I have decided to use a bible verse as a quote every once in a while throughout the photobook.


The whole idea :

For my personal study project I have chosen to explore the theme of faith and religion through documentary photography. As I had grown up in a completely atheist household finding my way in faith is very special to me and has been an incredible journey as it’s one I’ve had to navigate by myself. Within this project I aim to present my journey with faith and how it has changed my life but to also represent how much things can change and the emotions surrounding these changes before and during my walk of faith. I intend to create a series of both landscape and portrait images of both myself and anything to do with the events in which I attend as a Christian.

Photoshoot one & two –

Concept –

For my first photoshoot I want to explore the feeling of being lost in the dark and confused while trying to find my way before finding my faith. To capture this I plan on using a low-light setting perhaps on a day when its quite gloomy, foggy and I would go to a forest or somewhere dark to show the confusion and lost emotions. Ill experiment with shadows and dramatic contrasts to create a sense of isolation and searching. This photoshoot will represent the emotional struggle and uncertainty before finding clarity and faith.

Location –

I went around the Island to different Locations, some of the images were taken on St Brelades beach while others were taken at St Peters reservoir and I had even taken some near my house and some from random nature walks on the island.

Equipment –

  • camera
  • tripod
  • clothing to change into
  • cross necklace
  • bible

Artist reference for this shoot –

  • Henri-Cartier Bresson
  • Arnold Newman