Final Images and Evaluation

Here are my final images that I will be printing and placing on a board to present my Images. I chose these images as I think they are some of my strongest and there is a lot of variety. I will be printing the black and white studio photos in A3 and the rest in A5.


Overall, I believe that my personal study on the difficulties of being an athlete was successful. I was able to use my knowledge of different portrait lighting from past areas of study , especially with Rembrandt lighting, to create many interesting shots in the studio. Manipulating light also bring attention to detail in areas of the photograph that I would like, further enhancing the final images from the studio. Outside of the studio, I believe my photoshoots with Tony helped add a story to my personal study, creating a deeper meaning to it all. It also helped me form a photo book that wasn’t bland and had some story to it. However, I only had a limited number of photos to use with tony in it so next time I will improve by taking more photoshoots, as well as having more of a variety of images to chose from, making it easier to create a meaningful photobook. My documentary photos on the court where my some of my strongest, as I wasn’t afraid to get close to the side court. But ,unfortunately, my photos where saving as a compressed format in the camera, making a lot of them unusable for the photobook. Edited photos was also slightly lacking in my personal study since It was difficult to find artist reference for a lot of my documentary photos on the court. I also believe I could of done more photoshoots, especially with some relating to Tom Wood, an artist i rigorously analysis and didn’t use as much as I originally planned.

Despite these setbacks, my in-depth research of a wide variety of photographers, as well as photographic methods helped me create a good starting base to create a well formulated personal study.

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