You want to aim for a draft layout before the Mock Exam begins, then use the two days allocated to fine tune final layout and design.
1. Write a book specification and describe in detail what your book will be about in terms of narrative, concept and design with reference to the same elements of bookmaking as above.
Narrative: What is your story?
Describe in:
- 3 words– Youth and identity.
- A sentence– Exploring my identity by reminiscing my youth.
- A paragraph– Exploring my identity by reminiscing on different activities I used to do during my youth, or still do now.
Design: Consider the following
- How you want your book to look and feel
- Paper and ink
- Format, size and orientation
- Binding and cover
- Title
- Structure and architecture
- Design and layout
- Editing and sequencing
- Images and text
2. Produce a mood-board of design ideas for inspiration. Look at BLURB online book making website, photo books from photographers or see previous books produced by Hautlieu students on the table in class.