Final Images

In Comparison to Justine Kurland
Justine Kurland used some male subjects in her images, so I wanted to do a photoshoot where I also used male subjects, so that I would have a range in my work. I also wanted to present a more masculine activity, as Justine Kurland presented quite stereotypical masculine activities and I have so far only presented feminine ones in my work.

In Comparison to Jeff Wall
In this photoshoot I presented the same narrative, but I focused on changing my composition throughout this whole photoshoot. This relates to Jeff Wall, as he always focuses on his compositional elements, rather the narrative of his work itself.
I also focussed on other visual elements during my editing on Lightroom.
How does this Relate to the Themes of Youth and Identity?
These photos relate to the themes of youth and identity, specifically my youth and identity, because when I was younger I used to watch my uncle add things onto/ fix his cars. I also still now watch my friends do the same thing all these years later, so this presents that my identity hasn’t altered as much as I would have thought now that I am more grown up.
Analysis of 1 Image

There was a high level of control in this image, as I was able to manipulate the position and distance of not only my subjects, but myself as well. However, there was little control over the lighting, as natural daylight was used, rather than the lighting that can be found in a studio.
F stop- f/7.1
Exposure time- 1/200 sec
ISO Speed- ISO-800
The colours in this image are not very bright colours, but instead there is lots of neutral colours, blacks and dark blues. There is also lots of different dark and light tones throughout the image, due to the sun and the shade caused by the fence. There isn’t tons of texture throughout the image, but you can see a slight texture on the ground. There is lots of different shapes throughout this image, due to the tools and wheels etc.
The layout of this image causes the main viewpoint of this image to be the subject in the centre of the frame under the car. In this image the composition has a subject in the foreground on the left, the car in the middle ground and the subject under the car slightly further back in the background.
This image represents my youth, because I used to watch my uncle fix/ add things to his car when I was younger. This also represents my identity, because it presents how little my identity has changed from my youth, as this is still something I like to watch and now take photos of. This presents that my identity is still very similar to when I was younger, but now instead of watching my uncle, I watch my friends.
Photoshoot Conclusion
Overall, I don’t think this photoshoot is one of my strongest photoshoots, because I did not display a range of different narratives, but instead only presented one narrative. However, I was able to experiment with my compositional elements, as I was only focussed on my composition, rather than displaying different narratives. I was also able to present a more masculine activity/ narrative, just like how Justine Kurland presents more stereotypical masculine narratives. I was also able to experiment with male subjects in this photoshoot, rather than just using female subjects and activities, like in my other photoshoots.