Final images for photobook:

Firstly, to start with my selection process of images, I moved all of my green rated images and some of my favourite yellow rated images into one folder on Lightroom named ‘Best Images’. From this, I then carefully selected my few favourite images from this folder and moved them into a different folder named ‘Photobook’. This allowed me to significantly reduce the amount of final images I had to chose from. The folder ‘Photobook’ also includes the edited images I could use.

Here is my selection rage of my favourite images, in which I am going to pick a final few to use in my photobook.

What went well?

I think that these three photoshoots were hugely successful as I achieved to create a narrative within my photos, similarly to Justine Kurland. I hope that viewers are able to create their own narratives for these photos, depending on how they want to view them.

Finally, I am going to create another folder named ‘FINAL’, in which I will transfer a few of my favourite images that I will be using in my photobook.

To do this, I will use the flagging system on Lightroom Classic to make it clear which photos I need to transfer to my ‘FINAL’ folder.

Final Photos for Photobook:

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