Chosen final prints and layouts-
I decided to put these images for my final prints to be mounted on a board together as I felt that they sequenced together seamlessly. I wanted a variety of page sizes, and decided I wanted these images to be A4. These photos sequenced seamlessly to me as they present the same theme of feminism stereotypes ‘traditional housewife’ however obtain different elements in each image. This is because of the variation of angles. The first image represents the motherhood and nurturing element through the subjects hand over her slower stomach and is looking down obtaining the ‘female gaze’. Although, this does not include the symbol of heels. The second image I wanted in the middle as it is the most different to the others, and gives the illusion of the subject looking over at the left image. The bending over with the high heels with the props such as the apron and dishes, signifies more of a submissive woman in the household. Finally, the right image expresses all of these elements at once in one image, as it emphasises the jewellery, high heels and the ‘female gaze’ looking over the shoulder from a behind angle. All of which symbolise different elements within femininity and stereotypes within the 1st wave movement.
For these combination of images, I chose for these A5 images to be mounted together as I felt as if they fitted each other perfectly. I liked how the 2 on the edges worked well with each other as they are the same, but obtain different feminine poses. I wanted my middle image to break up the similarities, but at the same time to obtain relevancy. Therefore, I added this image which is one of my favorites as it is taken from above, signifying that she is submissive, and the man in the household is mostly likely dominant. Whereas the other two have a sense of independency. The middle one, the subject has hair rollers in which expresses her effort to appeal to her husband. Another reason why I decided to mount these images together is because the two images on the side, are expressing reflection (Reflections of Repression), whereas my middle image is executing the ‘female gaze’ and looking up, to emphasize this stereotype of being submissive and dominance, portraying the gender roles and power dynamics. Therefore, I really admired how all 3 images had a different meaning to interpret.
Virtual Gallery
I chose these images for my virtual gallery as they are my preferred images from my 4 photo shoots. This is why I chose these images for my final prints. Overall, I think the black and white for all of my images fit into my theme I decided to focus on. Not only this, but I believe it looks smarter and more organised when sequencing my images together. I personally like how each image has meaningful interpretations of being a woman which was my objective within this project. Although each image is layed out thoughtfully so two photos do not clash together, I liked how the first image on the left is the beginning of the feminism waves, contrasting to the last image on the right which is representing the last wave of feminism. Ultimately, expressing the change of women throughout the years and how stereotypes are ultimately formed.
Final Images
How do these images relate to windows?
In comparison to Doug Aitken
How do these images relate to mirrors?
In comparison to Justine Kurland
Windows- Contact Sheet
The images which are highlighted green are the images I have chosen to edit, because they are my best images with the best composition and layout. I also chose images with different colours in them, so I could create an image in photoshop with different colours and similar colours.
I edited this image by increasing the contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the exposure, highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have slightly better lighting and have more vibrant blue tones.
I edited this image by increasing the contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the exposure, highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have slightly better lighting and be more vibrant.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the blacks. I did this, so that the image would be slightly more exposed so the lighting was better and the image was more vibrant.
I edited this image by increasing the contrast, shadows, whites and vibrancy, while decreasing the exposure, saturation, highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image was slightly less exposed, so the lighting was less harsh, and so different shades and tones of the grass could be more visible.
I edited this image by increasing the contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the exposure, highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image had better lighting.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites and vibrancy, while decreasing the highlights, blacks and saturation. I did this, so the image would have better lighting and be more vibrant.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites and vibrancy, while decreasing the highlights, blacks and saturation. I did this, so the image would have better lighting and be more vibrant.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites and vibrancy, while decreasing the highlights and blacks. I did this, so the image would have better lighting and be more vibrant.
Mirrors- Contact Sheet
The images which are highlighted green are the images I have chosen to edit, because they have the best composition and layout and display the mirrors theme the best.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have more contrast and better lighting.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have better lighting.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have better lighting and be more vibrant.
I edited this image by increasing the contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the exposure, highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have better lighting and be more vibrant.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have better lighting and be more vibrant.
I edited this image by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the highlights and blacks. I did this, so that the image would have better lighting and be more vibrant.
To create my virtual gallery I used ArtSteps.
First, I chose which studio I wanted to use for my virtual gallery.
Next, I dragged my images into Artsteps from my documents.
Then, I placed my images where I wanted them in my studio.
Finally, I chose which frames I wanted on my images. I chose the dark brown frame, because I thought it best suited my images.
Final Virtual Gallery
Overall, I think my photoshoots went well, as they displayed the themes youth and identity well, by presenting different activities, which abided by or opposed stereotypical norms. I also presented my youth and identity in particular, as I displayed activities I enjoyed doing in my youth and activities I still do and enjoy now.
I also think my virtual gallery is aesthetically pleasing, because my images go well together and have been displayed well together, similarly to my photobook. I have also used my best images, which I have used in my photobook in my virtual gallery as well.
Here is an online link to my photobook: Remember When
Overall I’m happy with my photobook and the layout of it and I have specifically designed the book so that it tells a narrative of memories that were important to my Grandad. The front cover of the book is also important because it shows how the book is about happy memories and nice places but it is also quite sombre as he’s no longer here which contrasts with the narrative really well.
Hyperlink to Blurb Photobook
Your final blog post should be an online link to you BLURB book with an evaluation. If you have already written an evaluation as part of another blog post on your book design then add the online link to that blog post and change the date to make sure it sits at the top.
Log into your blurb account and click on Sell my book
Click on Privacy & Sharing
Copy link circled in red above.
In your Photobook blog post with your final layout and design, at the very top, type title of your Photobook and copy in link from Blurb using Link button above.
I firstly, started off by creating a book with all my images and putting them in the order that I wanted them to be in. I used the type of colours and tones in each photo to match the photos together and some double page spreads for the bigger landscape images and then filler images on one page.
I changed the whole book colours and background colour to black as it looked better than the original white colour with my images that are darker and taken at night time, and it also fit with the title of my book ‘After Hours’ better.
I put the title under the picture on the front colours and then put the title and my name down the spine of the book. I didn’t want my name on the front cover because I like the minimal look of the front cover with just the picture and the title.
These two images were taken on the same night with similar lighting and contrast. I also put these two together because there is a blonde and brunette boy in one image and then in the other a blonde and brunette girl and I liked the contrast of it and it also matching the front cover images with the juxtaposition of the images with boy and girl linking to my theme of identity.
These two images I put together of a girl at a festival and then in the second image its that same girl with a group of her friends. I made sure both of the lighting in the images were blue and the previous images before it had that theme of blue.
For this picture I used as a filler image to separate the night from the next one. This picture is a double page spread where it is spread across two pages. This is because it is a larger landscape image and I liked it spread across two pages.
These two images I put on the front cover as well as in the book so that you could look at them together properly. I liked these two together because of the juxtaposition with boy and girl doing the same movement and the same type of photo. I also put these two together because of the colouring with them, the pink and purple tones of both images I think contrasts well with the black background.
For this image I put two pictures together of the same night because I liked the way they it looked like they were taken at a Photo Booth so that’s why I put them together.
This image is a double page spread of my friends at a festival on each other’s shoulder singing. I like the way this image isn’t central of the two pages and is more on one page than the other.
These two images also taken at the same event is put together because I like the contrast of the boys and girls in one picture together and the girls separate from the boys in the other. I also like the Photo Booth look in these images swell
These two pictures were taken on a digital camera and the pictures were already how I wanted them to look in my photo book. I chose these two to put next to each other because they were taken at the same event.
This image is a filler image for my photo book to separate the end of a night from another one. I chose this one because it is rough and it doesn’t romanticise going out like how the party pictures do.
These three pictures, one a double page spread then the other two on the two pages are all taken at the same event. I put these pictures together because they all focus on the same girl throughout the three images. The double page spread of her dancing with another girl and a live band in the background, then the other two images of her dancing with a boy laughing then a group picture with the girls at a DJ stand.
This filler image of a girl drunk in a shower. I put this on one page with a border around because I liked the way it looked how it is smaller and makes you look at the image followed with a blank black page next to it shows that its the end of the night and a filler image.
These two images taken in the same are of a group of girls at a party, one taken on the couch and then the other around a table.
These two images are taken at a girls night. The first image of two girls having a debrief and talking in a corner, they could be gossiping. The other image of a group of girls smiling for the camera enjoying themselves.
This is the final image in my photo book of my friend sat outside a window vaping. this is the final image because it looks like she is contemplating the night before, regretting her actions and thinking about what happened the night prior.