Initial Contact Sheet

For this Photoshoot, I walked around St Helier looking for vibrant colours, this was heavily inspired by the work of William Eggleston. Eggleston`s use of colour and how he captures the ordinary life inspired how I went about this shoot. My target with this photoshoot was to capture the bold colours within the streets, urban setting which goes unnoticed, bringing attention to these aspects. However, my time was limited because once I had started capturing photographs, the sun had already started setting meaning I had a short period of time with the optimal lighting. During this photoshoot i used a tripod and a shutter release and I decided to use different exposures taking 3 images at a time to then when editing, use photo merge / HDR to make them stand out more. I took advantage of the lighting whilst it was there and, in the end, captured 67 images, each focusing on colour within the urban settings.
Final Selection Of Images

After looking through all 67 photographs, I only selected 4 images. I chose these four photographs as I think they are the best representation of what my vision was for this photoshoot. Separately, these images stand out for their unique display of colour, composition and generally how it captures the urban environment during the sunlight or daytime. Three of these four images also have motion within them, this is an aspect I really like and fits perfectly with the theme I am exploring as it shows how during the day there is movement and life which strongly contrasts my other photoshoots taken during the night.
Development Of Final Images – Before Editng & After Editing

Above is a series of screenshots showing off my final selected images before and after editing, showing how little adjustments can impact the whole image and mood. In all of these photographs the most noticeable edits is the increase in colour saturation this links to Eggleston, he is known for his strong use of colour and he is known for capturing the ordinary in extraordinary ways. To get the same effect that he does I intensified the colour hues and the highlights to make the sky and the colourful buildings more dynamic and interesting. In some of the original photos the lighting is not quite right and looks odd and in order to fix that I adjusted the highlights and exposure.
Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

As a whole, I am happy with how the final photos came out. The photos really emphasize the difference between the day and night, the bold, vibrant colours seen throughout all 4 images is what reinforces the contrast between the day and night. Inspired by William Eggleston, this photoshoot was focused on capturing the everyday life, using strong colours and compositions. During this photoshoot I also captured a great amount of motion blur, reinforcing the idea that the day brings life, energy and movement, I think this aspect makes the images tie in perfectly with the theme of my personal study. I think that once the final edits were made, I successfully created compositions which reflect the quality of the daytime, making a strong contrast to the night time focused photoshoots taken for my project.
Favourite Image From Photoshoot

From the four final edited photos, this one is my favourite. What makes this photo stand out to me is the composition, within one frame I captured the urban buildings, the mural and motion blur from the moving car. The mural strongly contrasts with the softer tones of the sky and buildings creating different layers to this image. The image has 3 layers which is the mural, the mural is bold and filled with colour making it a the main focal point of the image, the sky and the buildings in the background create a contrast, making the mural stand out even more and the motion blur made by the moving car adds another layer making the image feel more immersive instead of 2d. The motion blur captured in this photograph adds the element of life, and energy, emphasising the aspects of the day. Overall, I believe that this photograph perfectly links to my day theme, capturing a moment in a colourful urban setting.