Deconstruct photo-book

I choose the book “F E M A L E” by Jitka Hanzlova. This book has 115 pages with different women with different culture, background and everyone is unique in their own way including the background. It tells a story that everyone has there own little bubble and are just other people in peoples lives. Photography captures’ peoples lives and moments forever. I like this photobook because it tells a story from so many different perspectives and lives. There are younger kids, older women and overall a range of ages which shows the growing up and how people growing up in different generations can affect you as a person. Most people are pulling a straight or sad/mad face which you could say shows the rage and anger some women have to go through because of misogamy an what some men are like. Some women may be scared to leave the house and I think this book represents a lot of women in todays society. I have made some images similar revolving around girlhood and misogyny to try and raise awareness and show people that life can be tough and isn’t perfect. I think that Hanzlova tried to make elements of this in her photobook too.

The book “F E M A L E” by Jitka Hanzlova. Hanzlová grew up in Rokytník, a village in eastern Bohemia. She was initially interested in painting and drawing before discovering photography as an artistic medium in 1983. Inspired by the works of Diane Arbus[2] and the anonymous portraits of Walker Evans, she undertook her first trip to America in 1986. In 1987 she began studying visual communication at the University of Essen with a focus on photography, which she completed in 1994. In 1989, Stern published her first group of works under the title “Man Calls It School” about a school for asylum seekers.[3] After the fall of the Wall and the end of the communist regime, she travelled back to her Czech homeland for the first time. I think that she made the female book to raise awareness for women and show people how different we all are, we al need to stick together and be kind to each other. This book is for everyone to view and can change peoples perspectives on life. This book drew me in because it shows people how everyone’s life is so different and we all live in each others life like characters. It sends a message that says you should be kind and look out for everyone because you never know what people are going through at the end of the day, we are all beautiful and perfect in our own special ways.

The book female, its thick and heavy. It smells like an old book and there is a range of different colours. The book has 121 A4 pages that are white with the image in the middle on the right page, they feel smooth and soft with a hard cover on the front and back with a printed image on the front, a white female wearing all black with a coffee in her hand looing blankly at the camera which gives some insight on what the book may be about. The title is red and spaced out with normal font and her name is above the picture which is relevant when it comes to all the images in the book. I think that it tells a story of history, its not just images of loads of different women. its about culture and background. The realisation we all grew up differently and this plays a huge part in our life as women. We are all unique. It has this repeating idea of strength and culutre and this is why I think its about awareness and strength. She’s repeated pretty much everything in the mood and it has the same layout for the whole book which again repents the idea of repation.

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