Marcelo Monreal Inspired Photoshoot

For this photoshoot, I was inspired by Marcelo Monreal. I began the editing process by first selecting an image of my model where she was slightly on her side (which would allow me to bring her face out to the side later). I then used the object selection tool to create an outline around the model then pressed layer via copy. I then dragged this cut out onto a blank white piece of A4 paper.

Next I used the lasso tool to make a shape on her face and then dragged out that shape to the side to give the illusion of a mask coming off of her face, revealing her true self. I then went onto google and searched up yellow and blue botanical flower prints. I chose these colours as the model is from Sweden and the colours seen on their flag is blue and yellow. This made my idea more personal and about identity as I incorporated her heritage into the image, which is a part of her identity.

Once I had selected a flower, I used the object select tool to make a cut-out of the flower and dragged it onto the model. Then, I had to bring the flower layer below the face cut out so that the flowers were behind the model. I repeated this step many times until I had the desired amount of flowers. I also experimented with adding a Swedish flag amongst the flowers. Finally, I experimented with different background colours and layouts. Ultimately, I decided to add an image of a Swedish newspaper in the corner in order to emphasise the point of the image being about showing her identity. I then tried different colours for the background eg red, blue and yellow. I think the red background made the model pop the most due to the extreme contrast between the black and white model and the red in the background.

Image that inspired my idea:

This is the photograph of the model I decided to use and the kinds of flowers I wanted to incorporate in my design.

Overall, I like how this idea came out as I managed to successfully resemble the work of Marcelo Monreal but was still able to add my own personal take on it by making the flowers inside of the models head be about her identity by showing the colours of the Sweden flag (which is where she is from). I also liked the idea of adding a rip into the background and adding an extract from a Swedish newspaper to emphasise the point of image being about her identity in the form of her heritage/ upbringing. Next time I would like to experiment with people from other cultures and instead of flowers, add objects that are associated with that place so it makes it clearer what I’m trying to convey.

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