Mood Board Inspiration

These images are from the artists Justine Kurland, Mary Ellen Mark. In the images taken by Justine Kurland show how girls interact with each other, the “female gaze”. I really like these images because it shows the different interactions with different woman. These images show the connection of feminine energy between all ages of girls. The nature of girls in these images stay the same throughout the ages. I really like how in most of these images the girls feel comfortable together and they have a connection of friendship in which they allow each other to feel happy together. In the images taken by Mary Ellen Mark, I like how the images are all black and white to show the negative emotions through the camera and it makes the viewer feel sorry for the girls.

When I create photoshoots for my own personal study, I am going to ensure the girls in the images feel a connection of feminine energy. I am going to take an approach similar to Justine Kurland in the way that she sets up her tableaux photoshoot. I will go to settings where I feel like I have spent my life over the years and I will set up the images in a way that makes female teenagers contradict the stereotype of female roles. I will also take images similar to Mary Ellen Mark in the sense that I will show the other side of females lives in the sense that the gender roles and stereotypes can affect females of all ages.

I am also going to be inspired by Ramona Wang.

I like her images because it shows the true connections between female friends and how the girls feel empowered together. Her photographs show the detail behind girlhood and the experiences girls go through together. For example the images with the girls in the toilet putting makeup on together, I like how this shows that the girls feel comfortable in their underwear together and they feel as though they are safe around they’re female friends.

One thought on “Mood Board Inspiration”

  1. 16 JAN now you must complete each blog post and publish them in order — keep taking photos and developing them into groups like Justine Kurland

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