For my project I would like to explore themes such as life and its journey especially from childhood to adulthood and how quickly time passes as well as trying to find personal identity through it all. I feel like it is important to reflect on the years I’ve been alive and compare it to now. These themes focus on the observe and seek in observe, seek and challenge. I want to help illustrate it by using light painting as I feel like it could help illustrate my photos and create a dream like effect because I’ll be exploring the past for a lot of it. Another part of the project I want to do is the nighttime aspect of it as it is a part I want to focus on as it can help contribute to the dram feel of looking at the past and reflecting on everything.
To make my photos I would like to include a mix of indoor but mainly outdoor photos as most my photos will be of places, but I do want some photos of objects such as ones from my childhood which I can do with still life photography at home or in the lighting studio. My photos will be a mix of documentary and tableaux as I want to document and show objects for how they are but also show them with some difference such as with the coloured gels or other methods to help make the photos match my themes.
I would like to present my work as a book as it feels important to me to have a physical copy of my work, plus a book feels like the best way to document and show my work as my project is almost like a story. I would present my photos on a page with some brief text probably the title of the photo to help the viewer understand my photos. I would also like to try emphasising some of my images by displaying them on a double page spread or by making some photos appear bigger than others on pages.
For my photoshoots I want them to be at places I spent time at during my life such as the park, the beach and the sand dunes I also want to have a photoshoot in the parish Grouville as I used to live in that parish during my early years and went to the school there, areas I could focus on is the bus shelter, the golf course and the beach (with the castle in the background) as I used to go on walks around there with my mum when I was only a few years old.