I decided to do a small photoshoot to demonstrate my editing skills on Adobe Photoshop. This gives me the opportunity to see if AI editing is something I would like to include in my final photobook, and if whether these images are powerful and meaningful enough to be able to convey the message I would like to express. I chose for my model to do a multitude of facial expressions of fear, happiness, loneliness and confusion. From this variety, I can edit her to show different emotions heightened through AI, to show my storyline. I like how the backgrounds are also different colours such as black, white and grey, as thus then creates an array of different impressions, I can then work with. I feel like these photos are strong, however, to improve, I feel that the lighting could be more focused on with the quality being slightly increased as the model is slightly fuzzy in a few of the photos. I chose this model as her facial expressions are very clear and I feel her dark outfit demonstrates how she may feel inside.
Best Images.

I chose these photos as my 6 best images as I feel they are the highest quality and clearly demonstrate her feelings. Her expressions and body language executes her mood and shows the variety of emotions you are able to feel in a short space of time. All of the photos have a white/grey background which creates a perfect plain template for editing. However, when editing my images I would like my background to black, but I can change this using the Adobe Lightroom to alter the background from white to black. I feel that the quality could be worked on in these images, to improve, I need to assess my lighting whilst photographing and check my camera settings during photoshoots to ensure I am getting the high quality I need for my images.

I edited these images to have a black background In Adobe Lightroom by…

I selected the masking tool and then chose ‘background’.

Adobe Lightroom then selects the background of the image and changes it automatically to the colour red.

I then change the background colour from red to black as I feel black is an easy and strong background in order to have a plain background and dos not make the image lower quality.

I then edit my model/subject to be lighter so her e.g. hair, does not blend in with the background.
Edits 1 and 2.

I then export my images from Lightroom, Into Photoshop, to begin editing. I wanted to use the AI/ generative fill settings for my images. I wanted to compose an image that shows how my model is feeling due to the pressures of the male gaze and how peoples opinions and viewpoints may make her feel. The concept of using human eyes, is demonstrating how peoples eyes are constantly on her and she constantly feels watched and looked at, and therefore cannot feel free. I feel like these images have a slight claustrophobic feeling to is, as the girl is completely surrounded by eyes and people watching her and forming opinions. The feeling of feeling judged and watched, creates mental issues for many people which I feel her body language and facial expressions convey. I wanted my model to have a slightly scared, yet fixed facial expression, in order to create the impression that she is seeking help, but wants to keep it inside. This may be due to pressures and risk of showing her true feelings. Overall, I think these two images could be improved by using more exciting or high quality photos, and possibly more in-depth and creative editing ideas, to convey my idea.
Edit 3.

I also then chose to create an image with hands reaching out to my model as if they are reaching out for her, this is to demonstrate that she is wanted and that she feels that people want something from her but don’t want her. However, I feel that this image is not by best work, this is because the arms could be better quality and could have a mix of different peoples hands. However, this arm was the best option from my generative fill option. I think, to make this mage stronger, the arms could be going in different directions and the arms are surrounding her and are creating a circle around her to shoe she is feeling claustrophobic from her surroundings.
Edit 4.

I decided to also create this very random image in order to demonstrate an abstract image through the use of random lines. I first had the pen tool on Adobe Photoshop, in order to create a background colour of white lines squiggled all around. I then created a new layer and chose a thinner black pen tool to create another layer of lines, these lines represent mental negative feelings of apprehension, worry and anxiety, however, I particularly focused on my models head to show although she is surrounded by stress and pressure, most of it is surrounding her brain and is all internal feelings that aren’t real. Her brain is generating most of these feelings, of fearing the unknown, when In fact her situation is never as bad as she assumes. I feel this image is basic but meaningful. By experimenting on photoshop, I am able work on my skills and show how even though some of these images are basic, a deeper meaning comes within the backstory.