What I want to explore:
The topic I would like to explore is girlhood and femininity. I will be focusing particularly on older teenagers at the age of 17-19 and the struggles of moving from adolescence to adulthood and the hardships young women face. I like this topic as it is a current topic which is faced globally and I feel It is a topic which I will enjoy expressing my opinion on and It is an important topic which needs embracing by young people especially. I would like to initially explore how the media portrays women in positive and negative ways and how it creates derogatory and unrealistic stereotypes of women. Gender Identity and roles is a topic I wanted incorporate and the stereotypical themes and personality traits a woman is expected to have. I find this topic interesting as expectations and views on women are changing but not particularly quickly. By focusing on multiple branches of femininity and youth such as empowerment, stereotypes, different eras, I would like to cover different aspects of women, femininity gender stereotypes, identity and rights. The idealised view of women is the key part to my chosen topic and I feel I can expand on this by including both positive and negative viewpoints.
Why it matters to me:
I really like the idea of femininity and women in todays age as it is a subject that I, myself live through and endure. I can also use other young women enduring this in order to convey my message. I hope to express my theories on gender and identity and how women can be interpreted in different ways and do not need to fit a specific narrative. Analysing Cindy Sherman in particularly has aided this idea as she, herself has worked on how women can be interpreted in different ways and all the multiple narratives they can fit. Although, a difference I would like to express Is a positive light on women and how they can in, fact be strong and independent compared to an idealised view of being helpless and dependent on men. I would like toe incorporate this specific positive side to my project because although a stigma of negativity towards women is still continued in the modern day, positive changes are progressing for us as a collective.
How I wish to develop my project:
I would like to first develop my project by analysing artists such as Cindy Sherman and learning about her work in order to do another photoshoot inspired by her work. By posing similar to Cindy in a way that almost mocks the media and has a humorous, ‘over the top’ side to it and how a negative topic can be turned into something inspiring, beautiful but also entertaining with a humorous side to it. This photoshoot I would also then like to create a photoshoot based on the portrayal of women in the media as I believe as the digital age becomes increasingly popular and technology is consuming ore of our lives each day, people are being objectified and critiqued more than ever. After analysing different current day media products, I would like to create a my first photoshoot on this. This photoshoot will explore how although all of the women may look similar and may be seen for one purpose only, they also have their own lifestyles, values and emotions which is often ignored in modern day advertising.
Which form I wish to present my study as:
I would like to produce my work as a photobook, which contains different sections of female representation from the media, to idealised versions of women and then how women may feel due to this. I feel like this array of different representations will create a powerful message on how actions have consequences and how they impact lives.
Where and when I intend to begin my study:
I have decided to start my study by researching artists that relate to my work such as Cindy Sherman. I will then create a shoot inspired by her work as a response to her views and displaying how I agree and empathise with her work. I will create a photoshoot in the photography studio showing a basic photoshoot of how women must display fake emotions in photographs and pretend that their forced emotions are in-fact real, when they are not.