Artist Inspiration and Ideas.


Whilst exploring different past A-Level Photography students work. I came across a particularly inspiring piece of work which has helped me gain my own ideas on what type of subject I would like to focus on for my Independent Study.

The work of Christianna KnightWomen of Yesterday has particularly inspired me to explore the topics of women, femininity gender stereotypes, identity and rights. I love how pristine and accurate her work is and how she has executed a distinct difference in each era and how every era shows a cultural change for women and how we have made out way to the present day, and how times have changed in women’s favour.

Her Overview:

During my personal study I enjoyed having freedom to explore my own ideas and take inspiration from artists and photographers that I am interested in. I was very inspired by Cindy Sherman’s work, I wanted to explore themes such as masquerade, costumes and stereotypes which are very present in Sherman’s studio portraits. When first collecting ideas as to what I should base my project on I decided I wanted to explore female stereotypes through costume and studio portraits. However, with so many stereotypes existing within my gender I decided to create a series of portraits depicting stereotypes from each decade of the 20th Century. As I was born in 1998, I was looking at these stereotypes with a retrospective. I also kept feminist theory in mind, relating my stereotypes to important movements in feminist history including the three main waves as well as smaller social victories for women. I felt that this project was very successful and that each decade was well planned and executed and that the nine image work well as a series.

This work has given me inspiration on exploring all different periods and eras and how fashion, rights and lifestyles have changed and adapted. The genre of women and their lifestyle changes is a topic that has been c


My Own Work:

This photoshoot I created explored the effort and expectation of women FOR OTHERS, and how we must fit a specific narrative in order to be seen as feminine and attractive.  The portrayal of female pressure to look a certain way and act a certain way to ‘fit in’ with a specific category. This general beauty standard puts women under immense pressure to e.g. be of a slimmer build or wear a certain type of clothes. This may turn in to impacting the way women feel about their own body image and affect their self love and confidence. I feel subjects like this are easier to interpret and work on as it is a current issue each female experiences. This photoshoot inspired me to choose my personal study subject as I enjoyed exploring this topic and researching women’s rights and how they are stereotypically viewed in society and how it truly makes us feel as a collective.

This list is examples of female empowerment photographers who specialise in normalising femininity in human bodies. 

  • Mar Armengol.
  • Melody Melamed.
  • Carlota Guerrero.
  • Alba Yruela.
  • Jade Beall.
  • Kristina Varaksina.
  • Alba Duque.
  • Jade Beall.
  • Kristina Varaksina.
  • Alba Duque.
  • Sofía Suars.
  • Bruna Avellaneda.
  • Rosie Alice Foster.

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