Observe Seek Challenge-
The theme of observe seek challenge I have linked it towards the idea of watching. whether that’s watching people or your surroundings. However I like the idea of almost being hyper aware.
I also like the idea of focusing on the male gaze. And how women are constantly being objectified whether that be in media or in life.
So I would like to combine both ideas and show the objectification of women and how it effects them on an emotional level.

I really like the idea of using clay and having this cracked effect as in my research I have seen lots of things like “the soul, mind, spirit, or invisible animating entity which occupies the physical body.” and “a person might say that trauma has damaged a person’s psyche “so I thought slay would be a perfect way of trying to show someone’s emotion’s and how things can effect them and slowly start to break them.
I like the idea of showing the inside on the outside which is what South African artist Walter Oltmann choose to do. He was more inspired by the human body and he was famous for pieces like the Bleeder.
I think I would like to use makeup in order to try and show this I could potentially use some sort of clay to symbolise someone breaking but show it on the outside.