Personal Study/ Photoshoots/ Contact sheet – George Blake

Photoshoot 1 –

These photos I found where clearly taken and where applicable to be able to edited for my project. These images rate around 4 or 5 out of 5.

These photos are good but not what I want or did fully come out as expected. These Images score for about a 3/5.

These Images were either accidental, poorly taken, test shots or other. They score around a 1 or 2 out of 5.

Other Photoshoots:

Due to the large amount of photographs I took throughout the course of the project, It would take up to much time assessing and valuing each image, for this reason the remainder of my shoots are ungraded, excluding the images I rated and edited.

Photoshoot 2 –

Corbiere Landscape shots:

Photoshoot 3 –

Outdoor German photos:

Photoshoot 4 –

Corbiere landscape shots:

Photoshoot 5 –

Outdoor German shots:

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