My first photoshoot that I will take for this project will be focused on my friends. The photoshoot will include teenager girls together doing what they do for fun, I will document what activities they do and capture moments of them naturally. I may also slightly stage some images to capture the essence of the situation however, I want to try to keep it as natural as possible. This shoot will consist of images inside and outside, following where they go.
Next, I am going to take images of my younger cousin and his friends and family. I will use the same approach, shooting them acting and doing what they usually would. These photographs will have images of the family as a whole, portraying their life but then I will also zoom in on the individual members and shoot images based on their own independent life.
My third shoot will be based on the life of my own younger brother. I will follow a similar procedure, to shoot photos of what he gets up to in the day and his routines.
I am taking inspirations from the works of photographers Tom Wood, Andriana Nativio, and Andrew Kung. I’m using different aspects of all of their images to inspire my own project.
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