What I want to explore:
My intention is to explore the major social issues within gender, specifically women. I want to explore the themes of misogyny and stereotypes mainly, but also patriarchy, expectations of women and power dynamics while executing the female gaze. I want to execute the change of stereotypes throughout the years and the growth through each factor of the feminism waves.

Why it matters to me:
I would say, this topic matters to me because I realise as a female that women like Cindy Sherman and Nan Goldin portrayed the social issues within gender in the 1970’s but Sherman was portraying the traditional stereotype in the 1950’s. This is important to me because, although stereotypes have changed in a way, women are still expected to be a certain way even in the 21st century. This subject matters to me as there is still a significant power dynamics within gender. Women feel the pressure a lot more than men within beauty standards, and feeling the need to be a service to men still to this day, especially including the change in beauty expectations throughout the years.
How I wish to develop your project:
I wish to develop my project by taking images fitting the traditional stereotype similar to Cindy Sherman in the kitchen and other traditional settings. For example, I plan to take images of a female dressed up for the man meanwhile doing household work for the man. Within Cindy Sherman’s images she uses the female gaze which is a very important element that sticks out to me. This is because the ‘ female gaze’ adds a slight sexual and objectification element to her images which is to present the representations of a woman. To emphasize this, she uses a heavy amount of eye makeup so it cannot be missed. Sherman focuses on to ‘ Deconstruct a woman’. Sherman’s objective really stood out to me as she is attempting to deconstruct and portray how woman really felt in the 50’s. Not only this, posing is a very important factor such as possibly doing poses to show an element of motherhood and nurturing which is a typical stereotype of women. To develop my project, I will also be purposely setting up props such as kitchenware to emphasize my images like Sherman. However, I also plan to take images next to a book shelf like Sherman as this links to the second wave feminism as women were not seen to be educated. Instead they were only seen to be a nurturing mother and look after the household. Overall, in my opinion setting is almost the most important factor and will be very thought through as I personally believe it is what makes the image understandable. I plan to successfully execute this through using props etc and placing them in the correct areas to make the image the most interesting and eye catching.
Which form I wish to present your study (photobook, film, prints etc)
I wish to present my study in a photobook, I think this will suit my project best as I want to present the different types of traditional stereotypes in different settings, clothing etc which I can execute as my images are purposely suppose to look planned and thought out, rather than natural. This takes the sense of reality away which is what I aim to do so. In my photobook, I wish to show the different stereotypes throughout the years. My first set of images would start around the 1950’s and end in modern days around this century. This would mean I would be able to show the growth in stereotypes women face which is relevant as second-wave feminism was a period of feminist activity that began in the early 1960s and lasted roughly two decades, ending with the feminist sex wars in the early 1980s and being replaced by third-wave feminism in the early 1990s. Therefore, the traditional ‘housewife’ stereotype has significantly changed throughout the years yet there are still expectations. This stands out to me and I wish to show this change successfully as you turn the pages.
When and where you intend to begin your study?
1st wave-
I aim to begin this study this week in my household or in a library. This is to purposely signify the 1st wave of feminism which was the suffrage movement aiming for voting and equal rights. I aim to take some images of the subject picking out a book from a bookshelf, portraying the female gaze. The reason this is my idea I wish to execute is because this makes me think of women gaining the rights of education and voting. This links to the Cindy Sherman concept of ‘ Deconstructing a woman’ as it was a typical stereotype that women should not be educated, and were only needed for motherhood and for the male in the looked after household. This is the starting point as this was in the late 19th century to early 20th century. The first ever movement females had gained. The female gaze is suppose to add a significant photography feature as the purpose of the ‘female gaze’ becomes to connect with the female viewer via the female creator, coming together in a way that serves them, and upholding the idea that women are powerful and can control their own destiny. That is why one of the most notable differences between the male and the female gaze is intent. First-wave feminists argued that women were only “inferior” because of their inferior education. If they were educated at the same level and to the same standards as men, they would be able to exercise their reason at the same level as well, and would hence deserve to be treated as full equals by the law. This is why I think my images will be relevant to this timeline.
2nd wave–
My objective within the second wave is to take images in my kitchen, with the subject female dressed up for the male in the ‘household’. This is because this portrays a factor of the power dynamics within gender. Because of this, I aim to portray the ‘traditional housewife’ as this stereotype began in the 2nd wave. To do this successfully, I aim to have my subject in the kitchen doing chores, such as cleaning and cooking. Things to emphasize this could be the subject in an apron, hair rollers, heels and a significant amount of makeup to portray the female gaze. Another factor that I was inspired by was Cindy Sherman’s posing such as her arm around her lower tummy. This signifies the nurturing mother stereotype as well.
3rd wave–
My objective within this photoshoot is too take images of a women of colour with more freedom such as in a club, party etc. This is because I was also inspired by Nan Goldin’s work which she still portrays an element of feminism yet a lot of her work is not entirely focused on it. She has this famous image in a nightclub during the 80’s.

Therefore, I will take images of a woman of colour potentially drinking or at a free place because it represents the growth in equality within woman. I hope to keep the subject formal and feminine such as dressing her such as a long dress and potentially heels and heavy makeup meanwhile maintaining the theme of the female gaze. The third wave of feminism, which began in the mid-1990s, is generally regarded as more inclusive of women of colour than previous waves and is credited with bringing the notion of intersectionality to the forefront of mainstream feminist activism. The third wave broadened the agenda of women of colour so I am to merge Cindy Sherman’s and Nan Goldin’s work to make my own pieces.
4th wave–
Within this photoshoot, my main aim is to take images of a female looking at the expectations within social media or comparing herself to social media in the mirror. I am inspired by Cindy Sherman in these images

I think these photos have such an impactful message which I am mine to do so too. I aim to take images mainly in a mirror of a woman doing ‘stereotypical’ things such as makeup and crying as a women are seen as sensitive. However, at the same time I aim to show the impact of social media and although it signifies the freedom and equality rights of women, it has a very impact of teenagers and even women. This will be aimed for 2010’s to 2024 which is the present. Not only this, I will make my subject to dress up to still show the feminine side and how the dressing up from the man in the household has switched to social media. I think this will successfully show the growth and impact of feminism and I aim to put it in order in my book to emphasize it. All my images I am to be mirrors and staged as I think this will suit my ideas the best.