To begin I created an overall mind-map, which includes some photographs from the internet, to gather all my ideas in one area. I created this on paper.
I then chose to refine my ideas into a smaller mind-map where I have chosen to focus on the theme of myths and legends within Jersey.
Some artists I may take inspiration from:
Danny Richardson
Danny Richardson is a local photographer who has created multiple projects, one of them being Jersey Myths and Legends, which is the one that I would take inspiration from for my personal study.
Iollann O Murchu
Murchu is an Irish photographer who focuses on the mythology of the Irish countryside.
Bjørg-Elise Tuppen
Tuppen is a photographer from Norway who combines her photographic skills with her photoshop skills to create mythical images based on legends and myths within Norway.
Simone Gernhardt
Gernhardt has created a project based on witchcraft, I will take inspiration from her to create a response based on the Witch trials which took place in Jersey.