- What do I want to explore?
I plan on exploring the enjoyment as well as the difficulties that come with doing sport and inspiring to becoming an athlete. Through the use of photography, I want to present my views on the game of basketball, using my team and other players as the subjects. I also want to explore a single and particularly passionate player in more depth and see how basketball has effected his life in positive and/or negative ways. Using a mixture of tableaux and documentary photos will help me present what its like to be a inspiring athlete. This would allow for viewers to think of similar experiences they have had, potentially giving them an insight into why they aren’t enjoying a certain sport, or anything in life as much as they use to.
I want to take photos of my team mate as each of them have there own reasons for playing, as well as there own struggles that keep them from being the best. Playing sports for most people is a hobby, but for some they put a lot of pressure on themselves to be the best, or to stay at the same level of there team mates, which can be difficult when problems like injuries, addictions, and mental problems arise.
- Why does it matter?
This matters to me because my biggest passion in life is the sport of basketball and I want to shine a light on the young players who play the sport.
due to my deep interesting in this subject I believe I can capture the emotions from basketball and the players. I believe that photography is one of the best mediums show these emotions as it tells a story without words, using only visual elements, making it easily digestible, while also allowing the viewers to easily make there own interpretation of the photographs taken. This is important because most books or films lead the viewer rarely lead the viewer questioning things as it explains everything, however a photograph can only show so much allowing the viewer to fill the gaps with there own experiences.
- How I wish to develop my project?
I plan on starting out with basic photography work like portraits of my team mates and taking photos on the court, showing the sport in a good light, and how enjoyable it can be as a hobby for young players. Then I plan on developing that work into a story with specific photos with a over obsessed basketball player, incorporating more staged tableaux into my work too add effect through photography. This is to have more control over how I want the images to look like, it also physically allows me to create this story. Developing my project like this also helps my with my story booklet, as I can put the photos in with a similar order that I will take them.
- When and where you intend to begin your study?
I plan to start my study with looking at some case studies that will with help me link and develop my project. I’ve already got a few Ideas of photographers that I could use, e.g. Neil Leifer and Tom Wood. Following on by this I plan to take a photoshoot in the studio with my team mates.