‘Observe, Seek & Challenge’ Mind map & Mood board



  • Notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.

How do you observe in photography?

It requires being present in the moment and fully engaged with the environment and the subjects within it. Observing in photography is key to capturing the perfect image.



  • attempt to find (something).

How do you Seek in photography?

To seek in photography includes finding the perfect location, timing and subject to create the ideal image. Photographers will plan out their shoots and seek certain places and objects they want to obtain they don’t just go for everything and anything



  • a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength.
  • a call to prove or justify something.
  • invite (someone) to engage in a contest.
  • dispute the truth or validity of

How do you Challenge in photography?

Photographers get their photographs noticed when they have produced a diverse piece of work that may have taken extra abilities to obtain. This could include getting dangerous shoots wand challenging themselves to do things that will make their photographs stand out from the rest and participate in a kind of competition to produce the most interesting pieces of work.



The Planet

The Human Psyche

Topic that interests me for a personal study

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