For this photoshoot I decided to do a Sarah Jones inspired photoshoot. This is because, due to the fact she conveys the idea of ‘tableaux’ photography through her work, it perfectly shows the message I am trying to show.
I found this genre of photography slightly challenging as my models were unsure what poses to demonstrate and how we could produce the message we wanted to show through a few simple pictures. To create my first message I had my models wear pyjamas which are long sleeve and have matching patterns. This is to…
1. Create a feeling of innocence and adolescence/ childhood through the two girls wearing matching sets of patterns which children and young people may wear.
2. Create the feeling of the ‘older times’ from a period of time from the past. After researching nightwear from different era’s, I decided long sleeve matching pattern pyjamas was an effective outfit choice, to show the girls are possibly related but are matching and familiar with one another.

I wanted to pay attention to the fact Sarah Jones’ practice is rooted in art history, and she draws influence from topics such as psychoanalysis, adolescence, and the Victorian period. Due to these facts, I wanted to make my photos of two teenagers (to tie into adolescence) and I also anted my models to have blank expressions on their faces. Due to the fact Sarah’s work ties a lot around ‘psychological theory and therapy that treats mental conditions’ I felt these blank expressions would create an eerie and morbid feel to my photos. I also decided to use a cool tone to edit my photos to create a ‘cold’ and dismal look to my photos, to express the emotion of loneliness and identity confusion.

Definition of Psychoanalysis^^
My Top 4 Images.

My Image.

Sarah Jones’ Image.
This image is my favourite images due to the fact my model on the left is looking straight into the camera with the look of fear, concern and a desperation for help. My other model is sat with a slouched position which shows she is possibly younger or confused with her feelings. I like how they are sat in two different positions as this causes different dimensions in the photo. To improve on this photo, I would like it to be lighter and for the photos to have less of a dark, grainy look to them. However, I would like to play this to my advantage and make these images dark and dismal to convey the models mood through the colours of the photo. Although Sarah’s photographs have a more bright approach with eye-catching colours and colourful objects. I wanted a more tonal background.

My Image.

Sarah Jones’ Images.
These two images are very similar to each other and demonstrate my models feelings and how they are the same but are portrayed differently. This demonstrates tableaux photography as I am attempting to tell a story through my photographs which tie mainly around the themes of feminism and adolescence. My model on the left is showing emotions of conflict and distress through their body language of sitting slouched in a positions as they seek comfort and help. Whereas my model on the right looks like she is attempting to either ‘clear their head’ or think about how to handle a certain situation or feeling that is currently occurring.

My Image.

Sarah Jones’ Images.

My Image.

Jeff Walls’ Image.
I chose for this photo to represent another photographers work named Jeff Wall. I decided to do this one photograph as I particularly like this photograph and how it relates to Tableau photography. I feel that the viewer feels almost immediately connected with this image. This photographer uses Narrative to help the audience understand the concept he is trying to portray in his work. I like this photo as the model is under the table in a position which shows psychological stress and also shows it has been created in a ‘scene’ as they pose in order to show their emotions. This photo shows the true effect of psychological problems and effects they may have on a person and how it alters their day-to-day life.
Overall, I enjoyed this photoshoot and helped me gain knowledge in how I can set up a scene to tell a story through a single photo and attempt ‘Mirrors’ or ‘Tableau photography in my own way, whilst taking inspiration from other photographers and how they can influence my work. I would next like to create a ‘Windows’ or ‘Documentary’ photoshoot, which I feel may be more challenging for me as I feel I will find it more difficult to express candid photography as I prefer a narrative setup where my photos are planned out and specific.
Rosie, that a great photoshoot which takes inspiration from tableaux photographer Sarah Jones and Jeff Wall. Concept, composition and colours are right, but the lighting could be improved a little. What you need is a spot light or a borrow a portable studio light from us and use at home on location. If you look at both Jones and Wall’s images the staging of the photograph has a cinematic quality to it that is created by careful lighting. If this is subject that you want to develop further in your Personal Study you can plan another shoot and improve use of lighting from the first shoot.