What are the differences between photographs that are WINDOWS and MIRRORS?
Photographs that are considered MIRRORS:
Mirror photos are usually called this when the photographer is trying to demonstrate or reflect something that they feel about themselves. John Szarkowski in his text, said a mirror is “reflecting a portrait of the artist who made it” and “a mirror- a romantic expression of the photographer’s sensibility as it projects itself on the things and sights of the world”
Photographs that are considered WINDOWS:
Window photos are usually called this when the photographer takes images where they try to demonstrate their opinion and how they feel about the outside world. John Szarkowski said a window is “through which one might better know the world” and “through window which the exterior world is explored in all its presence and reality”
¡Example of MIRRORS
I chose this image as a Mirror image as it seems like a more personal image since it’s a photo of the photographers private home life. They have simply opened their fridge and taken a photo which makes it a reflection of something personal.
Example of WINDOW
This image was taken on a photographers trip to India. I considered this a window image as the photographer is not from there so they aren’t ‘mirroring’ their own life but instead showing a representation of something else. The image is very real and factual as it’s showing their environment and life through the image. The focus is on the two boys however the boys juxtapose their surroundings. The boys are seen to be quite happy and excited to be involved in the image but in comparison to that their background seems like an unhealthy environment to live in.