Windows into the mortality of being.
Paul Caponigro
Keith Dotson
A mirror in to the fragile beauty of life.
Ralph Gibson
Robert Mapplethorpe
windows shoot.
I’m going to go out and get some pictures of trees mainly focusing on dead ones and maybe get some of abstracts of leaves on the floor depending on how damp they are cause if they are mushy it wont look brilliant. I’m going to look for mushrooms whilst I am out as they don’t have a very long lifespan. I will also look for weeds that have pretty flowers though it might be the wrong time of year or this.
mirror shoots
I’m gonna buy some flowers and use some that we already have in a vase at home and stage them to look romantic I may even get my father to hold some. And I may even experiment with shutter speed.
I am going to ask a friend if she would pose for me as we like late-night walks and especially in cemeteries
3 NOV JAC generally good development, with scope for more links between theory and practice – add a virtual gallery too!