Windows and mirrors –

What are the differences between photographers that are windows and mirrors?

Window photography depicts the outside world. Showing the world outside of the artists life. While mirror photography depicts either the artists life or includes the artist in some creative way, weather its self portrait or showing their life through a photoshoot.

Key words –

MIRRORS: subjectivism ,romanticism, staged, fiction, personal, reflective, internal, manipulated.

WINDOWS: documentary, objective, realism, candid, public, external, truthful, optical.

Evaluation of my assigned photo –

This photograph is a great example of window photography, that I know, it doesn’t have any connotations surrounding the artist ( Diane Arbus ) and this photo is called “the child with the toy hand grenade in central park”

Diane Arbus photographed the out of the ordinary; strippers, nudists, carnival performers, and more. Her intimate black and white photos is what she is most known for.

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