Windows and Mirrors

what are the differences between photograph that are mirrors or windows?

Photos that are mirrors are a romantic expression of photographers sensibility as it projects itself on the things and sights of this world, when a window is through the exterior world is explored in all presence and reality.

Key Words associated with;


  • tableaux
  • subjective
  • romanticism
  • fiction
  • staged
  • personal
  • reflective
  • manipulated


  • documentary
  • objective
  • realism
  • candid
  • public
  • straight
  • optical
  • views

This photo was given to me yesterday in class and i had to decide whether it was a mirror or window photo then evaluate why.

This photo is done by Gregory Crouton, he was inspired by Millais Ophelia. This image is a Mirror, as it is subjective not objective, it does not show and explore actual reality, and everyone could understand something different from this image. Gregory Crouton stages all his images like a film set, behind this image is actually a set of this room with a built pool underneath, which is created into this magnificent piece. Mirror images are staged like how this one is. Although this image is fiction and manipulated it is personal as everyone who looks at it can see something new or different and could find a way it relates to them in a personal way.

I actually did not evaluate this photo yesterday, but decided to evaluate it now. to show my understanding of a window image.

This image is a window, this is because it isn’t staged or manipulated, as it was done by Henri Cartier-Bresson who focused on the decisive moment and street photography, he captured this moment as it was actually happening, yes you can still subjectively look at it but most of Cartier-Bresson work is quite objective in a sense as you can see what is happening quite clearly. He also documents his work well to show clearly what happens in todays world, and in this photo amongst kids. This photo is also very realistic and public.

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