Origin of Photography


Origin of Photography

‘Photography turns the ordinary into the extraordinary.’

In this essay I will explore and describe the history of photography and how it came to be what it is today.

‘Photography always transforms what is describes, that’s the art of photography is to control that transformation’

Photography was said to be invented in 1859, that was the year that a Frenchman, Louis Daguerre and an Englishman, Henry Fox Talbot played an important role announce rival processes that would ‘fix the shadows’. The beginnings of photography was ultimately about the struggle to see which method would thrive. Money and industry was a huge focus within the early beginning of photography and had huge impact on what photography looks like at the present date.

In Meudon, a quiet Paris suburb, in 1928, – André Kertész in 1928 midpoint between midpoint of photography and digital age of came here and photographed the landscape, unremarkable

  • Camera Obscura
  • Nicephore Niepce
  • Louis Daguerre


Louis Daguerre was an academically trained French painter and photographer, who is acknowledged for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography. Daguerre is estimated to have began experimenting with photography in 1824, which is also the year which he began producing his diorama paintings, which are large scale paintings displayed in a dark room, which he sold seating to people, which earned himself the a entrepreneur. aced out when he presented his discovery to the world. very different to Talbots, fixed images on a mirrored metal plate instead of paper based and unlike negative positive o Talbots he produced one-off images. produces a unique physical experience upon witnessing his ‘mirror with a memory’ images.

not a conventional operating system the way a photograph is , light operates differently with daguerreotype silver grains of image sit up on the surface of the photograph instead of sinking into the surface like a paper image, light reflected back through an image, begins to approximate the actual moment within the picture was captured, the photos of the people are described as ‘not exactly alive, but on the edge of being present’.

January 1839 Discovered his own method of ‘fixing the shadows

  • Daguerreotype

The photos which are taken in a daguerreotype process have a different kind of connection which is more intimate, as the process features no separation between the material the image is being shot with and the finished result. This is because the same plate within camera is the same plate which is eventually displayed as the photograph.

Despite this method’s unbelievable range of values and detail, presenting the brightest whites and the deepest blacks, these photographs, if not gilded, could easily be wiped off with the slightest touch. Although only one image could be made from daguerreotypes, which was not ideal for the market photography was creating, which focused on money and industry.

  • Henry Fox Talbot

Henry Fox Talbot

Talbot experimented with paper coated in silver salts and shoebox-sized cameras nicknamed ‘mousetraps’

‘Talbot recognised that human communication was through paper’ Ultimately, Talbot’s method of making photographs dominated the Daguerreotype as multiple copies of the same captured image could be created, instead of one which could be lost quite easily.

  • Richard Maddox
  • George Eastman
  • Kodak (Brownie)
  • Film/Print Photography
  • Digital Photography

1928- thought to be invention of photography

‘photography is about what frame you put around an image ‘photography turns the ordinary into the extraordinary’ – in what way can the camera turn the ordinary turn into the extraordinary

Describe how an image is produced using camera obscura

1839 – photography thought to be invented – been around much longer

dark room, pictures are upside down/inverted, immersive – camera is dark box with hole that allows light to enter – completely natural, primitive


camera obscura phenomenon happened before 1839, the image was fixed in 1839.

describe the two photographic processes that were invented in 1839 – similarities/differences?

Photography is associated with Romanticism

certain chemicals are light sensitive – allows camera obscura to happen

negatives in photographs – from negatives you can make as many positives as you want

Talbot used shoebox-sized cameras called ‘mousetraps’

method of fixing the shadow: on a mirrored metal – image sits on surface of metal

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