Mood board of Final Images

Final Digital Zine Layout

Final Paper Zine

Research- For this topic I started with my research on cod fisheries, Jersey Harbours in the past and present. I did this by using the links on the blog and doing my own personal research. Then, I experimented with a mood board of what I had learnt and I created a mind map of what I had learnt as well. I think this was a beneficial way of conducting my research, because I had easy access to the links on the blog, which were specifically about what we needed to know, but I’m also glad I conducted my own research, because it allowed me to find out a few extra bits of info that were not provided on the blog. If I were to do this again, or ever wanted to add to my research I would use books for my research as well as just the internet, and I would research certain passed photographs of the old harbours, as well as the photographers that took them. I would do this, because I enjoy doing artist research, but this is the only topic I haven’t done it for.
Photoshoots- For my photoshoots we went and visited St Helier Harbour and the Maritime Museum. For the first photoshoot, I didn’t obtain a wide spread of images, because I only took photos of the harbour and the boats. I found this photoshoot quite boring, because I was taking images of the same thing all day long. However, I enjoyed the second photoshoot a lot more, because I didn’t only take images of the harbour and the boats, but we visited the maritime museum to take photos, as well as the fisheries. I found these much more enjoyable, because I found them a more fun topic and thing to photoshoot, because their was lots of different interactive things in the museum and the fish were very fascinating to look at and photograph. However, I didn’t think the museum photographs were very good, because they weren’t as visually appealing, but it was very fun to take them. If I were to do this again, I would visit other harbours, not just St Helier, because I want to get a wider range of images, as the other harbours may be completely different.
Editing- I used Lightroom to edit my images and I used a rating and colour system to decide which images I wanted to edit. I experimented with coloured images, as well as black and white images, to create contrast. I also experimented with creating different panoramas, as well as experimenting with my cropping and colour popping. I thought my experimentation of editing was very good, because I discovered what looked good with my images, and what looked not so good, like the colour popping. If I were to redo this, I would try and narrow down my images to maybe 10-12 for each photoshoot to edit, just so I don’t post too much editing on the blog, and so I don’t run out of time.
Display of Final Images- I displayed my final images in very different ways, having my best images flood through the whole thing, instead of just at the beginning, middle or end. I also presented my images solo, in pairs, or in thirds, depending on whether the images had a relationship with each other, were similar, or were my best images. eg. best images go solo. I think this worked well for me, because I was able to experiment with my presentation, and I was able to present a relationship between my images.
Paper Zine Mock up and Mood Board- Firstly, I selected my best 16 images, and made a mood board out of these images. Then, I printed them off, and laid them across the table and experimented with the layout of my images, until I found the right one. Then, I made a 16 page booklet, by folding 4 pieces of plain paper in half and sticking my images to them in my chosen order with masking tape. This worked well for me, because it was easier and quicker to experiment with my printed images on paper, instead of on the computer, because I could visually see them laid out next to each other in my booklet. However, next time I would spend more time choosing which images I wanted to use and experiment with my layout more, because in the end I swapped out images and changed the layout completely.
Making My Narrative- First, I started using;
- 3 word to describe my zine
- A sentence to describe my zine
- A paragraph to describe my zine
This helped me figure out the narrative of my zine, so I could present it in the best way possible. This also helped me come up with my title for me zine. Then, I wrote about my zine, explaining the narrative.
Experimenting with the Archive- I experimented with old images of the harbour, from google and the JEP archive, because I was experimenting with comparing the harbour from the past and the present, as well as showing how the harbour has progressed and developed. However, I did not end up using the archives for my zine, because I wanted to include more of my own images, to show off my own work. If I were to redo this, I would spend more time experimenting with the archives and look through all of them to see more images of the old harbour.
Zine Experimentation- I experimented a lot with my zine on InDesign, by experimenting with my images, their layout, my typography, size, colour and font of my text, my title, and what text I should include. I think experimenting thoroughly benefited me, because it allowed me to see lots of different versions of my zine, so I could chose which was the best and end up with my best outcome.
Final Zine- My final zine came out well, because of all the research, editing and experimentation I was able to do. I used many different forms of experimentation, like Lightroom editing, photoshop, paper mock ups and on InDesign. I also used many different forms of research, like using the links on the blog, doing my own research and using the information offered to me at the maritime museum. All of this put together allowed me to produce the best zine I possibly could. Next time, I would want to experiment with making more than one zine if I had the time. I would also like to make a zine, which involved text on the inside, because this one didn’t.