zine: design & layout

Organising the photos

I had a gorgeous image of the steam clock down at the harbour. Where there is a load of negative space in the top left corner which would be nice to put the title in. I bleed the image over the border to completely fill the page as it is one of my best photos as well it was an obvious choose to go as the cover page.

I tried to place this portrait next to the image of the dog, keeping the image of the dog small as to over shadow the meaningfulness of the portrait.

However, this didn’t work so I mover the dog to the next page. I toyed with the idea of putting a quote in the blank page, but I like the way all the focus is on the portrait.

For this one I spread this one I spread the image over two pages to highlight the in focus part of the photo, I tried to bleed the image over the edge. However, it cropped it too much and didn’t seem quit right, so I kept the white border.

I decided to try placing two images on one pages, as seen below. on the page can be see a pair of waders and a tied off cleat.

I then decided I hated this and removed image of the cleat completely. I then shrunk both images and lined then up on each page so they were then centred.

However, having both images small and centre looked an little clunky so enlarged the image of the waders.


I wanted to keep the title simple. I settled on ‘St Helier harbour.’ This was an nice choice as it is broad and covers all images.

I lined the title up so it sat in the centre of all the negative space I placed it on its side so it ran upwards with the chimneys and the mast. and placed my name underneath.

I chose a font that was reminiscent of a typewriter as it sat nicely with the angles on the front cover image.

One thought on “zine: design & layout”

  1. India…it is clear that you are making pleasing progress, but there are still some gaps that require attention.
    Please refer to the tracking sheet via email and focus on the missing sections as a priority.

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