Personal Study: Review and Reflect


Romanticism in photography consists of capturing sublime scenes and dramatic landscapes which create a sense of awe for nature. For this topic, I created HDR Merge Images of the cliffs at Plemont and L’Etacq. This was inspired by Ansel Adams as he would photograph picturesque landscapes, mainly mountains. He also used the Colour zonal system which is a system of tonal values from black to white as his images were in B&W. This is why I used HDR Merge so that my images displayed a range of tones and colours. I really liked this project because I enjoyed capturing the beauty of the natural landscape and, at the same time, it can nice to go out and take the photos.

My Images:

The New Topographics

The New Topographics is a project which explores how humans have altered the natural landscape. For this project, I walked around Harve des Pas and captured images of buildings and a combination of both the natural and built environment. I really enjoyed this project and it inspires me to photograph the urban environment for my personal project.

My Images:


Anthropocene is a word used to describe the impact of human activity on Earth’s climate and ecosystems. For this project, I photographed industrial areas of Jersey such as La Collette, Bellozanne and the Quarry at Sorel. I enjoyed this project as it allowed me to be creative whilst also illustrating the Island’s impacts on climate change. This project inspires me to capture photographs of positive actions that the island is taking towards climate change such as the construction of sustainable buildings.

My Photos:

Mirrors and Windows Photoshoot

Bill Henson is an influential Australian photographer known for his evocative and atmospheric images that often explore themes of youth, identity, and the passage of time. His work typically features moody, dreamlike compositions with a distinctive use of light and shadow, creating a sense of intimacy and emotional depth. Henson often incorporates elements of the surreal and the sublime, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. His subjects frequently include young people in ambiguous settings, prompting viewers to reflect on the complexities of adolescence and the human experience.

Bill Henson’s images can also be analysed through the lens of the male gaze (which refers to the way visual arts are often constructed from a masculine perspective, objectifying women and presenting them for male pleasure). In Henson’s work, the representation of young subjects, particularly adolescents, often invites scrutiny regarding their portrayal. While his images are celebrated for their beauty and emotional depth, they can also evoke discomfort due to their sexualised undertones and the ambiguity of the relationships depicted. The focus on youth and vulnerability may reinforce traditional gender dynamics, prompting questions about power, agency, and the viewer’s role in interpreting these images. However, Henson’s approach also complicates the male gaze by imbuing his subjects with a sense of complexity and introspection, often portraying them in contemplative, ambiguous situations. This can challenge viewers to reflect on their own perceptions and assumptions, rather than simply consuming the images in a passive manner. Thus, while his work may engage with the male gaze, it simultaneously subverts and critiques it, inviting a deeper examination of the relationships between artist, subject, and audience.

For this photoshoot, we decided to go into the studio, turn off the main lights and decided to rely on the smaller dim lights to get a darker, moody tone to our images as seen in Bill Henson’s images. The model also wore revealing clothes eg a skirt as the girls depicted in his images often wore short dresses. This helped to bring a sense of vulnerability to our images. We then experimented with different complex, abstract positions such as laying over a chair etc and different angles eg a Birds Eye view, straight on etc. We decided to keep the models face covered for the majority of the images to convey the idea of male gaze in which men tend to objectify women and look at them as objects instead of real people. By having her face covered, you are more drawn to her body which represents the idea of the male gaze.

we also wanted to incorporate the idea of a distorted reality by taking some images of the model lying on top of a chair. Then, once we had the images uploaded onto the computer we then used photoshop to remove the chair in order to give the effect of the person floating. I did this by using the remove tool. However, due to the white floor in the studio, it ruined the idea as in Bill’s images it looks like they’re in the middle of the air but in our you can still see the cut between the floor and background, destroying the illusion of floatation.

Once I had removed the stool legs from the image, I then wanted to try and fix the floor issue. So, I went onto google and looked for images of fairy lights with a background. I did this as in his images, you can see small dots of light around the model. When I had found an image, I then copied and pasted it into photoshop and dragged into on top of my original image. Next, I used the eraser tool to get rid of the part of the image which was covering up the girl behind. I then used the blur tool to try and make the contrast between the two images move smoother but it still looks quite obvious. If I were to do this photoshoot again, I would try and get a black floor instead of white so that it actually looks like she’s floating and have fairy lights already in the image instead of transporting a photograph from google which then makes it look clearly edited. I think this was a good first experimentation but has a lot of improvements to be made.

This is the image by Bill Henson that inspired my idea.

These are my final attempts of recreating his original idea.

For these next images, I decided to experiment with my own ideas. I wanted to add an image into the mirror seen beside the model so I searched up empty dark streets on google and picked an image which I thought linked to the aesthetic of Bill Hensons images. I then copied and pasted it into photoshop and put it in a layer below the mirror layer. I then used the eraser tool once again and made a hole in the mirror so that the bottom layer would show through it. Finally, I wanted to make the line between the two layers more smoother so used the blend tool to do this. I then experimented with turning the top layer black and white to add further to creepy vibe of the image. Overall, I like how this experimentation came out although it doesn’t directly link to any of Bill’s pieces.

In these last four images, you can see yellow and black tape in the background. I didn’t like this as it was distracting and took the focus away from the model. If I were to improve these images, I would get rid of yellow lines in background.


Here, I decided to go back to this photoshoot and corrected this by using the remove tool on photoshop. This got rid of the black and yellow line and made the background all one colour which means the attention is now on the model only.

These are 3 examples of window images that I have taken. They show the exterior world and are objective and real. I took the photograph without making any adjustments to the landscapes; they’re all natural.

Mood Board and Mind Map – Personal Project

To start this project read through the exam boards notes on the theme observe, seek and challenge. I then made a mind map with all my ideas, I also used a dictionary and thesaurus to understand different concepts and add other words in relating to subtitles. I found with collaborating on the mind map helped me experiment and try new ideas, it also added knowledge and each others understandings of the words so I learnt different perspectives and ideas.

Mood boards


Following on from the harbour project I liked the detailed, abstract shots I had taken and then used in my zine. I like the way they can add to story and make people notice the smaller parts within a bigger picture.


I looked at this type of photography in my mirrors and windows project and found I liked the effect of my photos. I could choose the shot down to the smallest details, making the photos powerful as I had complete control over what I wanted the photos to show.


I really enjoyed taking photos in a documentary style for the mirrors and windows project. I photographed the twisty sprints and found I could be really creative and create dynamic, interesting photos capturing the even and how people went about it.

Studio Portraits

Having previously done studio portraits I found I could create interesting, detailed photos using the different lighting techniques. I like the drama and intensity you can create in the photos and I think it would be beneficial in any project with portraiture as it helps provide a solid starting point for any other types of portraits for a project.


Potentially for my project I’d like to explore motorsport in Jersey, having been brought up around rally cars and motorbikes I have always have an avid interest in the motorsport in Jersey. I have always found there are great pictures of individual competitors but I found no one has quite captured the atmosphere of all the aspects of the sport, from the last minute rush to get to a part fixed or the intense wait, waiting for the scrutineering to be passed. The mood board above has a rough idea of what I would like to capture, the actual racing to the ‘behind the scenes’.

Essay: How can photographs be both windows and mirrors of the world

  1. Read two texts above (John Szarkowski’s introduction and review by Jed Pearl) and select 2 quotes form each that is relevant to your essay.

John Szarkowski quotes: “reflecting a portrait of the artist who made it” and “the exterior world is explored in all its presence and reality”.

Jed Pearl quotes: “potential toward either self-expression or exploration in the unique sensibility of each photographer” and “a photograph is not a window; it is a mirror”.

  1. Select two images, one that represent a mirror and another that represents a window as examples to use in your essay.
  1. Use some of the key words that you listed above to describe what the mirrors and windows suggest.

Window: documentary, objective, realism, candid, public, straight, optical, views.

Mirror: tableaux, subjective, romanticism, fiction, staged, personal, reflective, manipulated.

Essay plan
Introduction (250 words): Reflect on the origin of photography and describe in your own words the difference between the two photographic processes, Daguerreotype and Calotype. Consider how they could be viewed as either a mirror or a window of the world according to John Szarkowski’s thesis. Choose one quote from Szarkowski’s text and comment if you agree or disagree.

The origins of photography can be first seen through the lens of the camera obscura. This was where a small hole was made in a dark room allowing the light from outside to travel through it which then produced an upside down image of the outside world onto the wall opposite the hole. This then lead to further ways of developing photographs onto surfaces. The first example of this is the daguerreotype, invented by Louis Daguerre. This process allowed for images seen inside the camera obscura to be preserved as an object. In this process, a highly detailed image is produced on a sheet of copper with a thin layer of silver. This process is very delicate, and the sheet of copper and layer of silver must be cleaned before you start the process and must look like a mirror. The daguerreotype produces positives meaning it is a one off and cannot be copied. I think that the daguerreotype can be perceived as both window and mirror due to its documentative style and personal relation to Louis Daguerre. This is because the images often capture a variety of different people from a different period of time where this was the only way of making images into an object. So in a sense, the images are a document of how images used to be produced. On the other hand, the daguerreotype is also a mirror as the people seen on these images had personal relations to Louis. This means his images are giving people a personal insight into his life and his family/ friends, which is a key concept of mirror photography. Similarly, the images could be seen as subjective as the viewer has to try and figure out how the person in the image is related to Louis. Additionally, in the images of his family members/ friends, they are staged as they are purposefully posing for the picture. Therefore it can be seen more as a mirror image than window image which are typically naturalistic. Shortly after the Daguerreotype, the calotype was invented by Henry Fox Talbot. In this process, the sheet of paper needs to be iodised by applying solutions of silver nitrate and potassium iodide under candlelight. The same surface needs to be sensitised using a “Gallo-nitrate of silver” solution. Lastly, the piece of paper needs to be dried and loaded onto the camera obscura. This type of photography produced negatives (which means copies can be made). Calotypes made by Henry often depict photographs of windows there meaning that his images are window instead of mirror as it is not manipulated in any way and is a way of exploring the exterior world instead of things personal to him.

Paragraph 1 (250 words): Choose an image that in your view is a mirror and analyse how it is a subjective expression and staged approach to image-making. Choose one quote from Szarkowski’s thesis and another from Jed Pearl’s review which either supports of opposes Szarkowski’s original point of view. Make sure you comment to advance argumentation in providing a critical perspective.

This image by Cindy Sherman is a mirror image. In the image, you can see a stereotypically attractive woman in the right side of the image who is glammed up and put together. However, on the other side of the image you can see pots, pans, dishes etc which implies the woman is in a kitchen. This feeds into the stereotypes at the time where woman were ‘destined’ to be housewives and to cook and clean for men. Szarkowski stated in his book about mirrors and windows that a mirror is “reflecting a portrait of the artist who made it”. This relates to Cindy’s image as she explores what it was like at the time to be a woman in society as she was. She shows a clear contrast to how women want to be perceived and treated though the use of makeup, clothes and hair compared to how men actually view them (as merely servants) through the use of objects and environment the woman is placed in. Jed Pearl also states a similar thing about mirror images saying its a “potential toward either self-expression or exploration in the unique sensibility of each photographer” in which Cindy clearly displays self-expression as she reveals her opinions and thoughts on how women are viewed at the time. Additionally, this image clearly takes a staged approach as Cindy Sherman deliberately chose the environment in which the model is in (a kitchen) and the pose of the model. The idea that her head is facing away from the pans and dishes could be Cindy Sherman’s way of rejecting societies perception of what a woman is and trying to separate the idea of women being seen as workers rather than real people.

Similarly, this image made by Shirin Neshat is also a mirror image with a similar concept behind it. In this photograph, you can see a woman with a hijab and a riffle going up the middle of her face. To me, this could be highly provocative to the country in which she is from and ones with similar morals. This is because in these countries eg Iraq, women are often seen as inferior to men and weak so it will come as a shock to see a women from that sort of place pictured with a riffle in front of her, implying she now has equal power to men. However, this piece could also be referring to the stereotypes society has on Muslim people. By having a riffle up to her face, it combines the idea of people associating Muslims with terrorism and how harmful these connotations can be to innocent people. This evidently shows how subjective the image is as it can be interpreted in multiple ways therefore meaning it is a mirror image. Similarly to the other image by Cindy Sherman, this image was evidently staged in a way to cause a reaction in the person that views it (which is another feature of a mirror image).

Paragraph 2 (250 words): Choose an image that in your view is a window and analyse how it is an objective expression rooted in a sense of realism. Choose one quote from Szarkowski’s thesis and another from Jed Pearl’s review and follow similar procedure as above ie. two opposing points of view and commentary to provide a critical perspective.

This image by Ansel Adams is an example of a window image. His work serves as a window into the natural world, revealing the beauty and majesty of landscapes which are untouched by humankind. This is a window image as its objective and a display of reality rather than something that has been manipulated (which you would typically see in a mirror image). There is no trace of humankind or any specific objects that might link the artist to this image; it’s simply showing off the beautiful scenery. This therefore supports John Szarkowski’s idea that a window image is where “the exterior world is explored in all its presence and reality”, as Ansel Adams has just captured what he’s seen in-front of him without altering anything or adding anything which would connect himself to the images. However, Jed Pearl opposes this idea by suggesting that “a photograph is not a window; it is a mirror”. This can also be seen in Ansel Adams image as there is clearly a specific reason he choses to photograph the landscapes he does; suggesting there’s a personal relationship between his images and himself, therefore making his images potentially mirror images instead of window as they give the viewer an insight into his passions and thoughts. For example, Ansel Adams photographs these natural, scenic places in order to bring awareness to how these beautiful places exist and we could actually see them with our own eye but due to our constant expansion and destruction of nature as a species, these places are going to become non-existent if we carry on at the rate we are. Therefore, the images he takes actually have a more personal meaning than what is initially thought. 

Conclusion (250 words): Refer back to the essay question and write a conclusion where you summarise Szarkowski’s theory and Pearl’s review of his thesis. Describe differences and similarities between the two images above and their opposing concepts of objectivity and subjectivity, realism and romanticism, factual and fiction, public and private.

In conclusion, I believe that an image can be both a mirror and a window contrary to John Szarkowski’s theory where he suggested that a photograph is either a mirror or a window. This can be seen in his book on window and mirror images where he described mirror images as “reflecting portrait of the artist who made it” and “a romantic expression of the photographer’s sensibility as it projects itself on the things and sights of this world”. Whereas he described window images as a way “one might better know the world” and “through which the exterior world is explored in all its presence and reality”. John Szarkowski believes that artists find themselves somewhere along a “continuous axis” from romantic to realist. In contrast, Jed Perl critiques Szarkowski’s thesis by stating ‘Szarkowski is fond of creating categories’ at the start of his review, suggesting he doesn’t agree. He goes onto say that a photograph is not just a transparent window but rather a mirror that reflects the photographer’s own perspective, emotions, and interpretations. Perl argues that photographs are inherently subjective and can distort reality, inviting viewers to consider the personal context behind the image rather than seeing it as a straightforward representation of the world. This clearly shows Jed doesn’t agree with the idea that an image is either a mirror or window. Instead, he believes that the two can exist simultaneously in the same image.

The images I chose to illustrate the idea window and mirror images have a lot of similarities and differences, the main difference being one is a window image and the other a mirror image. However, depending on the way you interpret the images, this can be proven to be false. This is because Ansel Adam’s image of the mountains could be seen as a mirror instead of window as he has a personal interest in photographing these places, making the image a reflection of his passions as a person rather than a photograph just exploring the exterior world. This highlights to me that idea that a photograph can be both a mirror and window image, depending on how one interpreted it. Another similarity between these two images is that they are both in black and white. However, Ansel Adams dramatizes the different shades of grey in his images to create a romanticised image. Another difference between the two images is that the mirror images made by Cindy Sherman and Shirin Neshat are subjective whereas Ansel Adams images are objective. This is because his images just consist of different landscapes. This leaves no/ minimal room for interpretation from the viewer. On the other hand, the mirror images can be interpreted in many ways. For example, some people may view Cindy Sherman’s images as her displaying the ‘perfect wife’ (attractive and doing the dishes) whereas others may interpret as her bringing awareness to the ridiculous standards set for women in society. Overall, although the two images are majorly different at the first look, as you look closer and understand the image more, you find there are more similarities between the two than you would expect. This may explain why John Szarkowski suggested that an image is either a window or mirror as he hadn’t properly inspected each image first and figured out how close they actually are to each other. 

Review & Reflect

Still Life

The first photoshoot that I did was on the topic of still life and nostalgia. Our summer task was on this topic so we brought in items that were nostalgic to us and were able to photograph them in different ways with different lighting. The items i decided on bringing were:

  • Baby Book
  • First pair of shoes
  • Photo (Grandad, Brother and myself)
  • Photo (My Brother and I)

I quite liked how this photoshoot for this topic turned out, the lighting was warm and brought across a nostalgic feeling which worked well. I think I did well with experimenting different things to include in the photoshoot by using different levels and objects such as the sheet.


Portrait & Lighting

The next topic photoshoot was studio portraits where we focussed on the different types of lighting techniques such as Rembrandt, Butterfly and Chiaroscuro.


Rembrandt lighting is a technique utilizing one light and one reflector or two separate lights. It can make images look dramatic but at the same time still natural. It’s usually characterized by a lit-up triangle underneath the subject’s eye


Butterfly lighting is a pattern in photography where the lighting sits above and pointing down on the subjects face. This creates a dramatic form of a shadow under the nose and chin which gives it a pattern on a butterfly. It is also given the name “paramount lighting” named for the Hollywood studio for how they lit up the actresses.


Chiaroscuro lighting technique was used in films very commonly. It’s common that the lighting used is natural light coming for, certain places such as through a window or a gap where the sky is visible.

Femininity & Masculinity

This photoshoot was my favourite one to explore, shoot and edit. The artist I decided to focus on was Cindy Sherman who focussed on female stereotypes, She regularly alters her appearance beyond recognition through makeup, prosthetics, and costumes. To create her images, she assumes the multiple roles of photographer, model, makeup artist, hairdresser, and stylist. She becomes the character in the story she is attempting to portray through her images.

Mood Board of images

My photoshoot was focussed on female stereotypes and I picked the topic of dance which is stereotypically considered more of a female sport.


The characteristics of romanticism photos include a focus on individualism, an emphasis on nature, emotion over reason, freedom of form, an exploration of the Gothic and unknown, a return to the past, the awe and wonder, the idealization of women, the purity of childhood, and the search for subjective truth.

Many photos focus on tranquillity like a photo of a sunset or calm seas. As well as this, photos that focus on dramatic and dangerous conditions such as a stormy sky or rough seas are also very popular when it comes to romanticism.

I liked this photoshoot but I struggled to take as many as I did on other photoshoots so it wasn’t my favourite.

The artist I focussed on was Ansel Adams who was the most important American landscape photographer and environmentalist who created famous black and white photographs mostly based in the American West.

My inspired images:

Urban/industrial photoshoots

This photoshoot was done as a class during our lesson time. the location was harve de pas swimming pool and round to La Collette. I think these locations were good as it gave you different variations of building types and sceneries. For example, we reached the modern built apartments which contrasted to the older buildings that stood behind them.

I enjoyed these photoshoots and editing them. The main edit I did was making most/ all of the images black and white because in my opinion the black and white works better with the theme of industrial theme.


Anthropocene simply describes the time where humans had a substantial impact on the earth. The effects of human activities on Earth can be seen for example in biodiversity loss and climate change. Many people would link this with the effects of climate change as the warming of our atmosphere, air and oceans caused by using fossil fuels which are created by humans.

I researched two artists who were Michael Marten and Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre. I did a small shoot focussed on Michael Marten’s images. Marten’s interest in photography went towards natural changings of the earth and how the push and pull of tides create very different landscapes even though they are in the same place. He usually took the photos at about 6 or 18 hours apart.

Mood board of Michael Marten

My response

I then did my own shoot where I focussed on litter and pollution. I enjoyed this shoot because it was simple but still effective

Observe, Seek & Challenge (St Malo)

This shoot was done on a class trip to St Malo where we were focussing on observing other people and getting photos. The main focus was people and making sure this didn’t involve any posing as we needed the photos to be natural and unexpected like Henri Cartier-Bresson’s photos. I decided on editing many of my photos into black and white however kept some in their original form as I didn’t want to do everything in black and white. My photos include both camera photos and also photos taken on my phone.

I really enjoyed this photoshoot because it focussed on people rather than still images of landscapes or objects. I think taking photos of people is much more interesting as you can interpret the image in different ways and observe other people and see what they do in their day to day life.

Harbour & Maritime Museum

The photoshoot of the harbour included many different areas which meant I was able to get a large range of images. This included the new harbour and the old harbour. personally I prefer the old harbour photos and I also put some of them in black and white to match the more older theme to the photo.

I think this was one of my least favourite shoots as it was something that didn’t interest me like observing others, focussing on people did.

Review & Reflect

In this Blog post I will be reviewing and reflecting old blog posts and projects to get inspiration for my personal study. I will dive into projects and photoshoots which I enjoyed and had some good final outcomes in as well as different photographers/artists whose work I like and therefore could be used as inspiration.

Landscape Photoshoots

The images above show a collection of my favourite photos from my landscape photoshoots. I really enjoyed the Landscape photoshoots as i thought the outcomes were very strong and i got to capture the beauty of nature through my lens. This work was inspired by Ansel Adams, his work emphasizes highlights, light, shadow and texture. In this photoshoot I aimed to bring similar depth and emotional impact to my images.



These Images captured by John Divola Zuma showcase the aftermath of people abandoning things (Human Abandonment,) making these images a strong reflection of Anthropocene. Divola taking images of decaying cars and vandalized spaces, highlights the humans last impact and the nature slowly coming back. I really liked these two images as they have a big emotional impact on the viewer and provokes the viewer to think about urban decay and their eco footprint.

My Response

These two images are photos which i thought turned out really well. My initial idea was to get images like John Divula zuma however in jersey there is not many decaying urban areas, even though jersey doesnt have many decaying areas, i still went out and found areas which almost replicated Divola`s images above. Overall I liked this photoshoot as I think the images are clearly inspired by John Divola Zuma and also have a strong emotional impact on the viewer.

St Malo – Street Photography

This set of images above is my favourite images from my St Malo trip, where i focused on capturing the culture of the town through street photography, I focused on people who live in st malo and have a different style. For this photoshoot i was inspired by Henri Cartier Bresson`s approach to photography, imitating the decisive moment which is where he captured spontaneous moments to reveal a real story. In St Malo my target was to document everyday life there, from the bustling streets to the quiet streets and interactions people have with others, all whilst highlighting the character of people. I think this photoshoot turned out really well, I also think that the editing technique with colour splash was very strong and made my images more effective.

Photoshoot: Windows

Photoshoot 1:

For this photoshoot, I went down to the photography studio and used my friends as actors for the photos. I really like how these images came out, and I think it was more successful than my mirror photography.

I used some props for these photos, e.g. drums and microphones, to give off the idea that I was visiting a band. I was aiming for these photos to look natural, and not staged, so I made sure the models were not giving direct eye contact to the camera.

Edited images:

I loved this photoshoot and how the images came out as I feel like, although it was staged, both of the subjects were unaware of the camera, meaning I could capture the natural aspect. I decided to edit them in black and white as I was inspired by Garry Winogrand, who created his street photography in black and white. I cropped the edited images into squares, so I could make a montage of my final best images.

Review and Reflect – George Blake

From the start of my time at Hautlieu, I have experimented with recreating my own interpretations of the different photographers I have studied and their unique styles. Through numerous themes of photography, I have enjoyed documentative photography the most. With artists such as Ansel Adams and Henri Cartier Bresson, I believe they have served as my largest inspirations through my related work.

Summer Project –

With the summer project I believe this shows my start into the documentative aspects of photography. Although recreating another artist, William Eggelston, I find his work is similar to that of Henri Cartier-Bresson. With Williamsons work however, I do find I enjoyed his naturalistic images, all an aesthetic into the vintage era of America.

William Eggelston –

My example –

With photos such as this I felt like I recreated this well during my stay in a second world war re-enactment weekend. Captured in the candid style, commonly used through documentative images, I would take this further when I would become inspired by Cartier-Bresson’s style.

Environmental portraits –

With our identity project I chose to continue with aspects of documentative photography through the study of portrait photographer, August Sander. Although not candid, these images to me still were documentative through their ability to show time through people of the past. Some other influences from this topic included Alec sloth and Vanessa Winship.

August Sander –

Alec Sloth –

Vanessa Whinship –

My Example –

Taking this further, I took what I had learnt from analysing August Sander’s and Alec Sloth’s photographs and made a larger piece of work in my own documentative style and aesthetic. Titled ‘A day in the life’, this project centred around my family’s business and how I documented it in a vintage newspaper style.

Anthropocene –

From this project, I feel as if I had a larger interest to try and explore this style of photography. With all the conceptual motives that can be applied to the style this would be explored later on in my work with the studying of other photographers such as some local examples, Thomas Sutton, Albert Smith and Francis Foot. Apart of my Anthropocene project, I looked into their varying photographic approaches, which each contain uniqueness in their outcomes. Sutton in his images often explores the anthropogenic elements of the Island, such as Jerseys recognisable coasts and historic structures, Smith on the other hand focuses more on photographing, at his time, the present environment which has since been changed over time, with his images we can see how far they’ve changed to now and get a look into out recognisable locations long before.

Tower Struck by lightning, St Ouen bay, 1854, Thomas Sutton.

St Helier Harbour, Circa 19th – 20th Century, Albert Smith.

Victoria pier, Circa 1915, Jersey soldiers load up, to possibly fight in the First World War, Francis Foot.

Francis Foot – Circa 1910’s, Local Islander.

My examples:

Using a historical basis of people, places and the past, I focused mine on German occupation of Jerseys recognisable structures such as Elizabeth Castle and famous tourist spots like Corbiere. I also explored the Anthropocene of war and that despite its circumstantial distances still contains similar elements of the past.

Street Photography –

With a documentative insight to people, places and time, these 3 photographers sparked my interest for their local significance and their ability to capture island life from the mind 19th century to early 20th. With an insight further into documentative photography, I would soon discover, Henri Cartier-Bretton, where I would study his work of street photography of European towns and other places in the mid 20th century and recreate his style myself within the walls of St Malo. Cartier-Bresson focuses on the conceptual idea ‘The decisive moment’, her he states that everything that occurs happens in a flow of events, In Cartier-Bresson’s eyes, there are moments within these events that contain a perfect arrangement within a frame. These moments are always spontaneous and often never repeat themselves, therefore making the photographer vigilant to be ready to capture that decisive moment.

Henri Cartier-Bretton examples:

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Behind Gare St. Lazare, 1932.
Henri Cartier-Bresson, Valencia, 1964.
Henri Cartier-Bresson, Picnic on the Banks of the Marne, 1934.

My Examples:

With my Images I created here, I became more appreciative of the style of Street Photography and how it could be applied to documentative photography, with its intrusive, candid style of capturing peoples lives, this really inspired to create more like images like this.

St Malo Page spreads:

Harbour Project:

With our harbour project, we collected images for making paper books/Zines. Here I took from what I had learned from my previous project, and attempt to apply it locally and to my own style. Capturing the leisure and work aspects of the harbour my book was dedicated to documenting the characters and sites of St Helier Harbour.

Harbour Booklet/Zine:

Mirrors and windows –

With a look into the mini-project, ‘Mirrors and Windows’, this stems from the theory of John Szarkowski, who states photography falls into 2 categories of either being Mirrors or Windows. As Szarkowski states “The distance between in terms of their conceptions of what a photograph is: it is a mirror, reflecting a portrait of the artist who made it, or a window, through which one might better know the world?”. To explain it simply, when creating a photograph, does it capture/represent you as an artist, either abstractly or normal (Mirror). Or does it show the exterior world, with all its natural elements (Window). With my past interests into documentative photography, I was more interested in the Window aspect. Looking at the Artist, Robert Frank, who was inspired by Cartier-Bresson, this inspired me to create my own outcomes to the concept of ‘Window’ photography.

Robert Franks work:

Democratic National Convention‘, 1956, Robert Frank.
New York City, Circa 1950, Robert Frank.

My examples:

With the documentative photography style, heavily implemented into my work I believe I have created various aesthetical and contemporary pieces of work which I can use to influence me in my final project outcome.

Mirrors and Windows Final Photos and Evaluation


Contact Sheet

Selected Images


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Final Images


Selected Images

These are all of the images that I think were successful.

Best Images

These are my best images out of the ones above. I have decided not to edit these photos as I would like for them to be kept natural and not be manipulated.


‘Mirror’ Photographs

Inspiration for Mirror Images

My Mirror Images

These are my final images. These images can be considered as mirror photos as they have been edited and manipulated. For these photoshoots, I used images of graffiti which I took when I went to Liverpool and edited them onto photos of the little white hut (Le Don Hilton) which I took in St Ouen. I think that this is an interesting combination as it takes the natural environment and displays it as an industrial one.

‘Window’ Photographs

Inspiration for Window Images

My Window Images

It is debatable whether these would be true ‘mirror’ photos as it is turning something real into something that is surreal/has been embellished. This style of photography could be classed as pictorialism as it emphasizes the natural beauty of the sea by altering reality. Since this is altering reality, you could declare that these aren’t true mirror images, however, you could also argue that this is not what your eye truly sees, but rather what the camera sees. Furthermore, these images capture the movement of the sea which is a natural process and, although these outcomes aren’t what the eye would typically see, these photographs are fully organic and have not been edited. Overall, I would say that these images are sit between the mirror and window categories but lean more towards being windows.