Harbour photos / Contact sheet – George Blake

These photos are rated 4 – 5 on the star rating, and are flagged: This means that they fit the aesthetic of my desired outcome and suitable for editing.

These images are taken well but lack the correct amount of exposure, need to be cropped, re-adjusted with their angles or contain unwanted obstacles.

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Bad quality = 1 – 2

Jersey’s Maritime History

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

has been more than 400 years since the first Islanders crossed the Atlantic in search of pastures new. They went to plunder the cod-rich seas of the American and Canadian coast. When the first Europeans reached Canada is unclear, but it is thought to be Italian explorer John Cabot’s descriptions of ‘new found lands’ and a sea swarming with fish in 1497 that drew fishermen to the north of the continent, and around 1600 English fishing captains still reported cod shoals By the beginning of the 16th-century Basque fishermen were travelling to the region to fish and, by 1580, around 10,000 European fishermen were making the transatlantic voyage to the area each year to fish for cod. Channel Island fishermen were among these and by the 1750s they had set up lucrative trade routes between Canada, Europe and America, establishing bases on the Gaspé Coast where they could salt and prepare the cod. 

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

Jersey has been an island for approximately 8,000 years: therefore, apart from the last 60 years, the only way for people to come to or leave the island has been by sea. Over the centuries the way in which boats have been powered has changed – muscle power, wind power, steam power and now diesel power. We know that the Neolithic farmers settled Jersey when it had once more become an island, it is safe to assume that they had the skill to make some form of boat. In addition, we know that they were also able to sail and navigate between the island and Armorica and over what is now the English Channel to the mainland. St Aubin was the main harbour for Jersey merchants before St Helier became the central maritime hub. St Helier harbours were proving too small for the larger ships and increasing tonnages, with both drying out at low tide. Jersey added a few piers to its harbour, such as Victoria and Albert Piers.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

Cod was dried and salted, then shipped to the Caribbean to be sold and fed to the slaves.

One of Jersey’s premier cod-merchants, Charles Robin, who founded Charles Robin Company in 1766 (second oldest incorporated firm to be founded in Canada which only ceased operation in 2006 albeit under different ownership).

The main trade continued across the channel, where the islands were given concessions. These included dried cod from Newfoundland and Gaspe coast, cloth, wine, wool, leather and household goods. Jersey cod-merchants also exported cod-fish to British colonies in the West Indies and later Brazil too in exchange for plantation goods, such as sugar, molasses, rum, cotton, coffee and tobacco which it brought to markets in America, Europe and the UK (inc. Jersey). Within that context Jersey benefitted from the profits made in the British Empire build on a capitalist model of a slave-based economy.

How has the island of Jersey benefited from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

The change from sail saw a major decline in the maritime activities of the islands: commercial shipbuilding had boomed in the 1850s with 20,000 tons a year before collapsing to 3,000 tons built per year in the 1880s, as iron and steel were not available in the islands. By the end of the century, island fleets had just 150 ships with a total tonnage of just 11,000.

Since the war, fishing has been reduced, with lobsters and crabs becoming the main catch in the islands with an annual value of around £10m in 1995. Private boating has increased with the construction of marinas. Freighting changing from loose and pallets to containers with Ro Ro for vehicles. Hydrofoils and then catamarans and wave piercers appeared as fast passenger ships.

Cod fishing in North American waters that became the dominant industry in Jersey. As this activity began to become viable so this attracted interest from Jersey. It is possible that initially the interest was from people from Jersey crewing French boats operating from St Malo, but it was not long before some of the more entrepreneurial Jersey merchants, based in St Aubin, began fishing in North American waters in their own right. There is clear evidence of Jersey merchants operating in the Newfoundland area in the late 16th century. By the second half of the 17th century as many as 20 Jersey vessels were operating around Newfoundland. For a variety of reasons the industry then declined but resumed growth in the first part of the 18th century. In 1731 it is estimated that 17 Jersey vessels sailed to Newfoundland with 1,500 seamen and by then permanent bases had been established in Conception Bay.

The second half of the 18th century saw the focus of the industry move from Newfoundland to what is now mainland Canada. A landmark event was the establishment by a leading Jersey merchant, Charles Robin, of a factory in Paspébiac in the Gaspé peninsular, marking a significant move to land-based operations. By the 1770s there may have been up to 70 Jersey ships and 2,000 Jerseymen engaged in the cod trade. By the 1840s it is estimated that the industry directly employed 4,000 people. Also, many others were engaged in manufacturing goods to be exported to the Canadian settlements.

History of st helier harbour

The town is named for St. Helier, a Frankish missionary who was reputedly martyred there in 555. The saint’s memory is preserved in the Hermitage, a small 12th-century oratory on L’Islet, as well as in the Abbey (later Priory) of St. Helier, founded in the mid-12th century by Robert FitzHamon, of Gloucester.

St Aubin favoured

During the 17th century this became the island’s principal port, where vessels headed to and from the cod fisheries on the Canadian coast would moor, alongside cargo vessels and privateers and their captures. It was not a convenient location, however, because the berths dried out at low water, and there was no road to St Helier, which was still the island’s main town and marketplace. Cargoes had to be transported across the long beach from St Aubin to St Helier by horse and cart.

By the beginning of the century the clamour for a part at St Helier was so great that the States turned their attention to providing weather-proof jetties at what is now South Pier and La Folie and in due course private money paid for the construction of the quayside in front of what is now known as Commercial Buildings.

Eventually St Helier had facilities which encouraged merchants to stop bringing their vessels into St Aubin, and the main town harbour developed at the expense of the latter, although not nearly as fast as the island’s traders would have wished.

Fishing harbours

Havre des Pas was a very old anchorage for fishing boats, the ‘Havre’ then becoming an important shipbuilding area. The harbour at La Rocque was built in 1872, when local fishing was at it peak. With the building of the Eastern Railway in 1873, and the opening of La Rocque Station, this harbour became directly linked with the town and markets to enable the catch to be sold quickly.

Gorey is the oldest port in the Island, the castle being the early seat of government. In this cove, boats with men and materials were unloaded, though it was not until 1826.

Further north is St Catherine, where the remains of a planned large naval harbour of refuge can be seen. With relations between France and England strained, two such refuges were planned in the Channel Islands, one at Alderney and the other at St Catherine.

There are three little ports on the north coast, which can he classed as fishing harbours, Bouley Bay was built in 1828, with that at Rozel, in 1829. Bonne Nuit Harbour was built in 1872. The harbour at Rozel also catered for the oyster dredgers.

Jersey’s Maritime History


Roman coins were discovered on the island showcasing evidence of a trade network which would have required over-sea travel. This is the earliest evidence of traveling by boat. During the Middle ages, Christianity arrived on the island showing more regular travel in the 9th century and Piracy (mainly by Vikings) also took place.

From the 15th-18th century there was a general increase in trade due to technical advancements in ships and navigation. Jersey took advantage and cod-merchants traded between British colonies (West Indies, America and back to Europe.), and also built large trade ships.

Modern ships became steam powered and many Jersey families moved around the globe. St. Hellier became the main port of the island and gradually expanded its piers. As steel ships took over, Jersey saw a decline in tonnage and fleet size.

After WW1 tourism on the island massively increased but was halted by the occupation in WW2. where 200+ islanders escaped via boat. Once the war finished, fishing had an annual value of around £10m in 1995. Private boating became more popular and fast ferries were established as a commercial mode of transport. In the 80s, tourism reached its peak as rail tickets included these ferries providing a cheap, close holiday island for mainlanders.

Jersey within context of the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

Jersey has many links to the Transatlantic carrying trade and Canadian cod-fisheries. Much of the islands and individual families wealth was generated through the establishment of merchant businesses.

Many people and families can be directly linked through both indirect and direct contact. A few examples are St. Johns Josué Mauger who set up as a merchant in Halifax of Nova Scotia. The Company of Royal Adventurers was founded in part by Sir George Carteret which held a monopoly over trades to Africa mostly for gold and people but also ivory, wax and wood. His son James Carteret owned a plantation in Carolina and commanded the Speedwell slave ship. Hope was a ship built in jersey. Over the ships lifetime it picked up 230 and disembarked 199 enslaved people. The salted cod was seemingly used for 2 purposes. The high quality cod was sold for a profit by the merchants and the low quality cod was used to feed enslaved people.

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

St. Aubins was Jerseys main port. Jersey was involved in the triangular trade mainly with Canada.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

The triangular trade was the process of moving trade goods between Africa, the Caribbean and the United Kingdom. This mainly involved salted cod to feed enslaved people and mahogany, cotton and sugar harvested by enslaved people but occasionally also tobacco, wax and ivory which would be sold back in Europe for money.

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

The beginnings of Jerseys finance industry, which is the islands main source of employment and income, was rooted in plantations and enslavement. The wealth generated from the use of enslaved people is what the foundations are built on.

Josué Mauger’s great nephew inherited his wealth and built No 9 Pier Road. This building has since become the Jersey Museum and shows deep ties to our history and great generational wealth built off the back of slavery which has continued to benefit the island since, still showing Mahogany was used in large throughout the building. In 1968 the building was stated as being ‘the finest possible example of a prosperous merchant’s town house’ while simultaneously being the ‘most pretentious family mansions in St Helier’.

The latter part of the 18th century and early 19th century also marks one of the richest periods in Jersey where many local families made substantial fortunes through cod fishing on
the Newfoundland banks. Due to the large amount of incoming cash, Jersey established its first banks. These banks differed slightly to English ones and with unique benefits allowed the Finance Industry to thrive.

Origin Of Photography

  • turning ordinary into the extraordinary
  • 1928
  • andre courtesh
  • framing an image
  • transforms what it describes
  • framing reality
  • camera is objective, humans are subjective

Describe how an image is produced using camera obscura

A camera obscura is a box or room that is pitch black, it has one tiny hole in it, that lets light in and creates an upside down version of the image out side on the opposite side of the hole. it takes more time for the image to be produced because the photons have to bounce off objects before entering the pinhole aperture.

The origin of photography essay

The story of photography is a fascinating interplay between art and science, driven by human curiosity and innovation. From its rudimentary beginnings to the sophisticated digital processes we witness today, photography has undergone a profound transformation, reflecting societal changes and technological advancements. The roots of photography can be traced back to ancient times, with notable developments occurring over centuries, leading to the formal establishment of photography in the 19th century.

The first significant phenomenon related to photography is the concept of the camera obscura, a device known to scholars and scientists since antiquity. The camera obscura, Latin for “dark chamber,” is an optical device that uses a small hole or lens to project the image of the outside world onto a surface inside a darkened room or enclosed space. Philosophers and artists, including Mozi and Aristotle in ancient China and Greece, respectively, explored the principles of light projection. However, it wasn’t until the Renaissance that the device found its place in the hands of artists, who used it as a tool for perspective drawing and composition. Artists like Vermeer and Caravaggio are often thought to have utilized the camera obscura to accurately capture the world around them.

Despite these early explorations in optics, the ability to permanently capture images remained elusive for centuries. It wasn’t until the early 19th century that significant progress was made. The birth of photography as we understand it today can largely be attributed to several pioneering individuals and their groundbreaking inventions. One of the most critical figures in this narrative is Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, who is credited with creating the first permanent photograph in 1826 or 1827. Niépce used a process called heliography, employing a pewter plate coated with a light-sensitive substance called bitumen of Judea. After exposing the plate in the camera obscura for several hours, he developed the image using lavender oil, resulting in a grainy, monochromatic picture of the view from his window, known as “View from the Window at Le Gras.”

Niépce’s collaboration with Louis Daguerre marked a turning point in the evolution of photography. Following Niépce’s death in 1833, Daguerre continued to refine photographic techniques. In 1839, he introduced the daguerreotype process, which produced clear and detailed images on polished silver plates. The daguerreotype was the first commercially successful photographic process, quickly capturing the public’s imagination. Its widespread adoption led to the establishment of photography studios around the world, as people flocked to have their portraits taken.

The mid-19th century also saw innovations from other pioneers, including William Henry Fox Talbot, who developed the calotype process. This method allowed for the production of multiple copies of an image from a single negative—a significant advancement that established the groundwork for modern photographic techniques. Talbot’s work underscored the importance of creating negatives, setting a precedent that would shape the future of photography.

As photography gained popularity, it also began to evolve as an artistic medium. The invention of the wet collodion process in the 1850s allowed for even greater detail and shorter exposure times, revolutionizing portrait and landscape photography. Additionally, the introduction of glass plates made photography more accessible and improved the technical quality of images. This time also witnessed the emergence of various styles and movements, including pictorialism, which emphasized the artistic aspects of photography and sought to elevate it to the status of fine art.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries brought further innovations, including the development of roll film by George Eastman, which led to the establishment of Kodak and the mass production of affordable cameras. This democratization of photography allowed ordinary people to capture everyday moments, transforming it from a specialized art form into a widespread practice.

With the advent of color photography in the early 20th century, the landscape of visual representation changed yet again. Technological advancements resulted in commercially viable color processes, such as the Autochrome plate, which became popular in the 1910s and 1920s. These innovations made photography increasingly accessible, allowing it to become a central part of personal and cultural expression.

In the contemporary era, the digital revolution has further transformed photography. The introduction of digital cameras and smartphones has made photography ubiquitous, enabling an unprecedented sharing of images through social media and online platforms. Today, photography functions not only as a means of documentation but also as a powerful tool for communication, artistic expression, and social commentary.

In conclusion, the origin of photography is a rich tapestry woven from centuries of scientific inquiry, artistic motivation, and technological advancement. From the ancient principles of light and optics to the revolutionary invention of the daguerreotype, photography has continually evolved, adapting to cultural and technological changes. As we move forward in the digital age, it is essential to appreciate the profound historical journey that has shaped this dynamic and influential medium, one that continues to capture the essence of human experience in all its complexity.

Picture Stories

Picture stories are a way to convey narratives through a series of images that collectively tell a story or evoke a particular mood. When doing street photography in a place like Saint-Malo, picture stories can be used to document the essence of the city, capturing its atmosphere, people, and daily life in a visually compelling way.

They allow the photographer to go beyond single moments and instead present a broader, more nuanced view of the surroundings.

In Saint-Malo, a photographer might use a picture story to capture the rhythms of daily life—locals going about their business, fishermen preparing boats in the harbor, or street vendors selling goods in the market. Each image can be a chapter in the story of the city’s lifestyle.

It’s a city steeped in history, with its fortified walls, cobblestone streets, and old-world architecture. A picture story could capture the contrast between the historical aspects of the city and modern life, showing how the old and new coexist. This could include shots of tourists exploring ancient buildings or modern street art juxtaposed against centuries-old stone walls.

Picture stories can focus on the unique cultural elements of Saint-Malo. This could include capturing the Breton culture through traditional clothing, festivals, or the distinct maritime heritage of the city. A series of photos could tell the story of local customs, such as the importance of seafood to the region, showing fishermen at work, bustling markets, and plates of fresh oysters being served.

Street photography lives off candid shots of people in public spaces. In Saint-Malo, a photographer might tell a story of human connection, loneliness, or community by capturing fleeting moments like children playing on the beach, elderly couples walking along the ramparts, or locals sharing a drink in a café. Each image contributes to an emotional narrative about life in the city.

It is also a coastal city, and its environment shifts dramatically with the tides. A picture story could explore the transformation of the same street or beach at different times of day—during high and low tides, bustling with tourists in summer, or quiet and deserted in winter. This approach can tell a story about the passage of time and the ever-changing nature of life in a seaside walled town.

So generally picture stories in Saint-Malo street photography help convey the city’s multifaceted character. They document individual scenes and weave together a larger narrative that can show this place’s spirit, culture, and history. Through thoughtful sequencing, a photographer can create a powerful visual journey that interests viewers into the picture story sequence.

Jerseys maritime history

This methodology of sea travel in order to fish for food intrigued the Jersey people alongside the Channel Islands, for example Guernsey, to get involved greatly as lucrative trade routes were and still are, crucial to Jersey’s survival. This pioneered the development of fishing tactics for Jersey fisherman alongside finding ways to ease the imports of food Jersey receives. Because of this, Jersey’s food production economy has shrunk over coming years, resulting in potatoes being near enough the only food source grown and sold – 98% of food sources being imported on vessels from the UK and Europe.

The sea has become a large factor within Jerseys culture, identity, geography, history and economy and has intrinsically helped shaped these.

During the Middle Ages, a large sum of piracy/raiding took place by Vikings, causing jersey to employ many Viking words within the old Norman-French language of Jèrriais to do with fishing, farming, ships and the sea. These include:

  • bete, baitbeita ;
  • dranet, draw-net, dragnet;
  • flie, a limpet, flie;
  • greer, to rig, greidi;
  • haler, to haul, hala;
  • crabe, a crab, krabbi;
  • mauve, a seagull, mar.

Piracy in the Channel Islands concluded when Sark became colonised in 1563 by Hellier de Carteret, leaving some pirates hiding out in isolated French and English bays, some sailing up from places such as Turkey too in order to ransom valuable captives or keep them as slave workers.

The fishermen of the Channel Islands, many from Jersey, had set up lucrative trade routes between Canada, Europe and America by the 1750s, establishing bases on the Gaspé Coast where they could salt and prepare the cod.  The Gaspé Coast is an area which follows along the St. Lawrence River extending from the Matapedia Valley in Quebec, Canada, into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. This area provided great ease when fishing in the open sea, available at any time of year however fishing closer to the coast was a more difficult task, allowing the Jersey fishermen to obtain great catches.

One of the biggest companies on the Gaspé coast was operated by Charles Robin, a Jersey merchant, who set up a fishing post at Paspebiac in 1767 after Canada passed to the English. After the American Revolution had died down, he took advantage of the lack of competition to set up a fishing monopoly in 1783 to reap the benefits of the cod trade.

Within Gaspé, despite the fact they were a minority, the Jersey community settled it nicely, speaking Jèrriais in their businesses and day to day lives, almost transforming the Gaspé coast between these years into a Jersey colony. The Jersey people became the economic giants of Quebec. Alongside this, islanders would receive concessions from the people of Newfoundland or the Gaspé coast such as the dried cod produced as well as cloth, wine, wool, leather and household goods. 

However, this would all come to an abrupt ending when problems concerning finance and the disappearance of the cod trade appeared, causing a dwindling of this renowned Jersey fishing company. In the 1870s and 1880s they suffered a credit crunch, as the Jersey banks crashed leaving many companies in huge debt. For example, the Jersey Banking Company crash in 1883, came about due to the bank manager, Philip Gosset, gambling with the funds – a bank of which many Canadian-Jersey companies had borrowed heavily from.

When the banks crashed, vast sums that had been made during the fishing monopoly years were wiped out. The credit system, where fishermen would receive all they needed from the company insured against future catches, also left many workers heavily in debt to their employers. This meant the end of these monopoly trading years.

The effort towards building harbours didn’t become a concern until the late 17th century, with work beginning on the islet of St Aubins building a pier. It was the 18th century when St Aubins harbour was finally constructed, followed by the development of building a port in St Helier too, however this only began to develop as a port properly towards the 19th century due to the need to raise capital. This then sent forth the movement to developing stone piers at La Rocque, Bouley Bay, Rozel, to accommodate the oyster boats, alongside Gorey which took passenger traffic from Normandy.

The Jersey merchants exported their findings of cod to places like the West Indies, the Caribbean and other British Colonies to trade for plantation goods. This consisted of sugar, molasses (a thick syrup that people use as a sweetener), rum, tobacco and cotton alongside oils, skins and several types of fur.

In order to export the cod, the fish were dried, salted and dispatched in various wooden tubs weighing about 112lbs. This procedure was done as it meant that the fish would be preserved longer and wouldn’t arrive in an unacceptable state.

During these times, many Jersey merchants either owned or traded using mahogany, tending to have mahogany plantations in British Honduras – a crown colony south of Mexico renamed to Belize in 1973. The mahogany industry was built through enslaved peoples harvesting, dragging and rolling felled mahogany trunks to riverfronts, then floating the logs, which were chained together, to ships waiting in bays full of sharks and coral reefs.

For example, Sir George Carteret – founder of New Jersey, was a founder of the Company of Royal Adventurers into Africa where he would trade in enslaved people, ivory and gold. As well as this, Aaron de St Croix and brothers, James and Clement Henry and Co, George Mauger, Francis Valpy, Francis Alexandre Bradley and George Le Geyt were identified as being part of the mahogany industry.

This trade connection was provided through boats and ships, one being the Speedwell. For example, leaving London in 1663, the Speedwell initially picked up 302 enslaved people at Offer, Benin, followed by the selling of 155 men, 105 women and 22 boys to plantations in Barbados by March 1664. This was only just the start of the hundreds of trades of enslaved people which would take place.


Why is maritime history important?

Sailing has been essential to the advancement of civilisation throughout history since it gives people more mobility than land travel for purposes like trade, transportation, and conflict, as well as the ability to fish.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

In addition to exporting codfish to Jersey, traders in cod fish also traded plantation products like sugar, molasses, rum, cotton, coffee, and tobacco to markets across America, Europe, and the United Kingdom (including Jersey). Later, these products were also traded to Brazil. In that framework, Jersey benefited from the wealth generated by the British Empire, which was built on a capitalist model of an economy centred around slavery.

What was the involvement of Jersey Jersey seamen play in the transatlantic carrying trade and the Canadian cod fisheries?

It WAS uncertain when the first Europeans arrived in Canada, but it is believed that fishermen were drawn to the north of the continent around 1497 by Italian explorer John Cabot’s accounts of “new found landes” and a sea teeming with fish. Around 1600, English fishing captains continued to record cod shoals.

Beginning in the early 16th century, Basque fisherman started visiting the area to fish, and by the year 1580, some 10,000 European fishermen were crossing the Atlantic to catch for cod.

Among them were the fishermen from Channel Islands, who by the 1750s had established profitable trade lines connecting Europe, America, and Canada. They also established facilities on the Gaspé Coast, where they could prepare and salt cod.

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

  • Trade in Roman times

During the Roman period there was an established trade route between Alet (St Servan) and Hengistbury Head in Dorset. Guernsey was the favoured stop off point, because of the natural deep water harbour at St Peter Port, although these boats undoubtedly called in to Jersey as well. The Roman cargo boat recently raised from St Peter Port Harbour provides information on the type of vessel used on this route.

Ships became larger during the 12th century and ports began to take on a greater importance. The earliest harbours in the island were the natural havens which provided shelter from the worst of the winds and a sandy bottom on which a vessel could ground with damaging its keel. Areas such as Havre des Pas, St Brelade, St Aubin and La Rocque were used. There is mention of a Spanish ship taking on a cargo of wheat “in the harbour of St Obin”.

  • 17th century harbours

A concerted effort to build harbours did not take off until the late 17th century, when work began on building a pier on the islet on which St Aubin’s fort stands. During the 18th century St Aubin’s harbour proper was constructed and work began on developing St Helier as a port, although the capital had to wait until the 19th century before it really began to develop as a port. Early 19th century, It was during the early 19th century that stone piers were built at La Rocque, Bouley Bay, Rozel and Gorey, to accommodate the oyster boats. The harbour at Gorey also took passenger traffic from Normandy.

  • The mailboats

At this time the harbour of St Helier was concentrated around La Folie in The English and French harbours. At low water there was a landing stage at La Collette, to which passengers were ferried in small boats and picked up by waiting carriages and horse drawn omnibuses. With the building of the Victoria and Albert Piers in the 1840s and 1850s, passengers could arrive in a little more comfort, although the state of the tide still played an important role.

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

Jersey Island has greatly profited from its constitutional ties with Britain and the results of colonialism, especially in the period of the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840). This partnership resulted in a stable political environment that encouraged economic growth, enabling the island to shift from a successful agricultural economy to a varied financial services and tourism industry. Merchants from Jersey participated in transatlantic trade, making money from products made by slaves like sugar and rum from the Caribbean, leading to increased local investments and better quality of life. Moreover, the colonial ties promoted cultural interactions and aided in the expansion of population, leading to a more diverse demographic on the island. Investment sourced from colonial riches continued to enhance the financial services industry in Jersey, turning it into a hub for banking and tax evasion. The connections made in history resulted in advancements in social infrastructure like education and healthcare.

Jersey Maritime History

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

Jersey mariners played a crucial role in the Canadian cod fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade during the 17th and 18th centuries. They actively engaged in cod fishing along the coasts of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, utilizing various techniques and establishing seasonal camps to process fish for transport back to Europe, which significantly boosted Jersey’s economy.

Additionally, their strategic location in the English Channel allowed them to operate a fleet of merchant vessels that facilitated trade between Europe and the Americas, dealing in goods such as rum, sugar, and tobacco. This involvement not only enhanced their economic prospects but also fostered the development of a merchant class on the island, reflecting the broader maritime and economic dynamics of the Atlantic world during this period.

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

Jersey ships, benefiting from their strategic position in the English Channel, engaged in trade with a variety of important ports during the 17th and 18th centuries. They sailed to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, which were primary destinations for their cod fishing operations, and frequently visited English ports such as London, Portsmouth, and Dover for additional trade opportunities. Jersey merchants also established connections with French ports like Saint-Malo and Rochelle, facilitating goods exchange due to historical ties with France. Additionally, they traded with Spanish ports, obtaining items such as wine, and were active in the Caribbean, linking to the lucrative sugar and rum trade. Their routes also extended to American colonies, including significant trading hubs like Boston and New York. This extensive network of trade contributed to a thriving maritime economy for Jersey, strengthening commercial ties across the Atlantic.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

Jersey merchants engaged in various trade transactions when exchanging goods for codfish during the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly in the context of the transatlantic fishing industry. Common items exchanged for cod included grain and flour, as merchants often brought back staples like wheat and rye from North America to meet local demand. Salt was another critical commodity, essential for preserving fish, and was frequently sourced from different regions. Additionally, liquor such as wine from France and rum from the Caribbean was highly sought after and often traded. The exchange also included cloth and textiles imported from England or other parts of Europe, fishing gear and equipment like nets and barrels, and sometimes livestock such as sheep and pigs, which served as both food sources and valuable commodities. Furthermore, Jersey merchants traded local agricultural products and manufactured items, enhancing their market appeal both locally and abroad. This diverse exchange system not only sustained the fishing economy in Jersey but also fostered broader economic connections across the Atlantic.

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

The island of Jersey has significantly benefited from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism, particularly during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840). This relationship provided political stability that fostered economic development, allowing the island to transition from a thriving agricultural economy to a diversified financial services and tourism sector. Jersey merchants engaged in transatlantic trade, profiting from goods produced by slave labor, such as sugar and rum from the Caribbean, which contributed to local investments and improved living standards. Additionally, the colonial connections enhanced cultural exchanges and facilitated population growth, enriching the island’s demographic diversity. Investment from colonial wealth further developed Jersey’s financial services sector, transforming it into a tax haven and banking center. The historical ties established during this period led to improvements in social infrastructure, including education and healthcare. However, while Jersey’s benefits are notable, they raise important ethical considerations regarding the wealth derived from colonial exploitation, informing contemporary discussions about inequality and the enduring impact of colonial legacies on modern society.

Task 2- A Short History Of The Development Of St Helier Harbour

Early Beginnings

St. Helier, the capital of Jersey, has a rich maritime history that dates back to its earliest settlement. The natural harbor at St. Helier was recognized for its strategic importance soon after the island’s occupation by the Normans in the 10th century. However, it wasn’t until the 17th century that significant port developments began.

The French and English Harbours

In 1700, the French and English Harbours were constructed, providing the first major infrastructure for marine activities. These two harbors, which were highlighted in early maps and illustrations, are among the oldest structures dedicated to maritime use on the island. They served as the main port for Jersey’s larger vessels for over a century, facilitating trade and maritime commerce between Jersey and the mainland.

Expansion in the 18th Century

As maritime trade grew, the limitations of the existing harbors became apparent. To accommodate increasing maritime activity, construction of the North Pier commenced in 1790. This development was crucial for enhancing the harbor’s capacity and protecting vessels from rough seas. The North Pier would take over three decades to complete, finally finishing in 1821.

19th and Early 20th Century Developments

The 19th century saw further improvements to St. Helier Harbour, including the construction of additional piers, quays, and the implementation of modern shipping facilities. The harbor became an essential hub for trade, tourism, and passenger transport, connecting Jersey to other ports in the Channel Islands and mainland Europe.

The Second World War

During World War II, Jersey was occupied by German forces, which led to significant changes in the harbor’s operations and infrastructure. Post-war reconstruction focused on repairing and modernizing the docks to support the growing post-war economy.

Modern Era

In the latter half of the 20th century and into the 21st century, St. Helier Harbour has undergone continuous modernization. Upgrades include the establishment of new ferry terminals, improved docking facilities for cruise ships, and enhanced recreational areas for leisure activities. Today, St. Helier Harbour serves as a vital link for both commercial shipping and tourism, making it a key asset for Jersey’s economy.