STORY: What is your story?
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Sea – Shellfish – Sold
- A sentence
Fisherman go out to sea and catch shellfish that is then brought back to land and sold.
- A paragraph
The fisherman drive down to the harbour, going past the towering steam clock, down to the pier. Rummaging through the equipment and going through the daily checks. Making sure that there is a first aid kit and fire extinguisher on board and reporting back to the coxswain. As the engine rumbles to a start, they radio in through the VHS, coast guard give the ok that they are aware of their leave. The vessel chugs out of the port and around the dolphin, headed to towards their destination. The salt water pricks at their faces, wave after wave breaking against the hull. Throwing her into neutral and rushing to the side. They hook a buoy, hoisting it up to grab on to slimy rope, the sea tugging to reclaim its kin. Emptying the pots, listening to the shells clack and clash, securing them for the trip back, accompanied by the smell of oil and fish the trip back long anticipated, sore backs and hands desperate for some relief, though relief was a far long dream. Tanks filled with creatures, claws bound ready for slaughter, to be sold. The drive home is tiering and filled with the dread of the doing it all again another day.
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