What Does It Mean?

The processes of making changes to images or text, deciding what will be removed and what will be kept in, in order to prepare it for being printed or shown.

a photo sequence means putting a bunch of pictures in the order the viewer will receive those images, it can be for a book, an exhibition walking tour, or just the reading order of a few photographs displayed on a wall, sequencing is ordering the visual flow, some will say storytelling.
I want to edit my images so I have both black and shite images and coloured images. This is so I can show the historic values of the St. Helier harbour and also the modern values.

I wanted to sequence my zine in a way that it would flow, almost like a time line.

Creating nostalgia for the viewer but also something or there time so they can relate too it, something they walk past everyday and take no notice of.
Mood board/Inspiration

Image’s I Have Chosen To Use