St Helier harbour History and cod-trade

Mood Board of old St Helier Harbour:

Mood Board of new St Helier Harbour:


As shipping between Jersey and other ports increased in magnitude in the 17th century, some form of harbour became imperative to accommodate and protect the visiting vessels from the effects of the south-westerly gales. As a result, in 1700, work commenced on the construction of a pier or ‘screen’, as it was later derisively called. This ‘screen’ was constructed where stands the old South Pier today, out of Impot revenue, but owing to the slow rate of progress it soon fell into disrepair.


In 1790, when work finally began on the construction of the North Pier, running from the Southampton Hotel to the end of what is known as the New North Quay today. A lack of storage space caused the local merchants to construct the quay along Commercial Buildings.


In 1877, after spending over £180,000 on the La Collette stage alone, the whole works were abandoned, and Coode was paid off, leaving the crumbling concrete blocks at La Collette as a warning to any others who might conceive ideas about taming the sea. Further inspection of the site showed that it would be better for the remainder of the Harbour Works if the Hermitage Breakwater was extended beyond the rock, by a further 500 feet.


This 1968 aerial photograph shows clearly how the harbour dried out at low tide. The majority of the length of the Albert Harbour between the New North Quay and Albert Pier is dry at low tide, and only at the southern end, which frequently needed dredging, can vessels remain afloat.

Another aerial view from the 1960s, showing the warehouses which then ran the full length of the New North Quay, on the left, which was dedicated to cargo vessels, and mail steamers on the southern end of the Albert Pier, to the right.

Cod Trade:

Charles Robin was a Fishery trader, born in Saint Brélade, Jersey in 1743. By 1763, he was the captain of a ship working in the Newfoundland cod trade. In 1765, with his two brothers and two others, they formed a firm which developed fishing grounds off Cape Breton Island and the Gaspé region.

Robin produced two types of salted cod-fish called ‘green’ and ‘yellow’ in the vernacular. ‘Green’ was a wet salted codfish that was not dry cured and therefore did not have the same shelf-life. It was ideal selling it at markets in the Caribbean or North East Brazil as it was much shorter run for Robin’ ships on the second leg of the triangular Atlantic trade. In his own 18th century diary Charles Robin refer to it as ‘West India fish’ and it was sold to planters who would feed the protein rich codfish to its enslaved populations for increased productivity in the plantations. In exchange, Robin would load his ship with plantation produce such as sugar, rum, molasses, cotton, coffee and tobacco before sailing across on the third leg of the Atlantic triangular trade route to the Mediterranean, England and Jersey.

Yellow’ was a dry-cured cod and marketed as a premier product and sold to markets in Europe, such as Portugal, Spain and Italy with their large Roman Catholic populations having a great demand for fish for fast days on Fridays. From ports in Lisbon, Cadiz and Naples merchants traded cod-fish for other products such as salt (used in the curing process), wine, spirits, fruits and spices which they brought back to Jersey and British ports before returning to Canada. The maritime networks were complex and often financed from London. Read another article here from Jersey based critic, Ollie Taylor Fish, Finance and Slavery.

Jerseys Maritime History

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

Jersey's involvement in the Newfoundland and Gaspe cod fishing industry -  Jerripedia

It has been more than 400 years since the first Islanders crossed the Atlantic in search of pastures new. They went to plunder the cod-rich seas of the American and Canadian coast. European fishermen were making the transatlantic voyage to the area each year to fish for cod.

Jerseys famous men

A jersey merchant, Charles Robin ,operated one of the biggest companies on the Gaspé coast where he set up the fishing post at Paspebiac in 1767 right after Canada passed to the English.

This included Jerseys lieutenant-governor sir George Carteret, who was the founder member of the royal Africa company which traded ivory, golf and enslaved people in the early 17th century.

People like Captain François Messervy of Jersey who was murdered in 1722 during an uprising on board his slave ship off in the coast of Africa and the Jersey trader Josué Mauger who in 1752 advertised enslaved people for sale in Nova Scotia, Canada, where his business was based were involved in the enslavement of slaves.

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

A history of Jersey transport - sea - Jerripedia

Channel Island fishermen were among these and by the 1750s they had set up lucrative trade routes between Canada, Europe and America, establishing bases on the Gaspé Coast (eastern Quebec province, Canada. The peninsula extends east-northeastward for 150 miles from the Matapédia River into the Gulf of St. Lawrence.) where they could salt and prepare the cod. 

The earliest harbours known in the island were areas such as Havre des Pas, St Brelade, St Aubin and La Rocque were used as ‘mini’ harbours. There was mention of an apparent Spanish ship taking on a cargo of wheat “in the harbour of St Obin”.

As ships became increasingly larger, Gorey, which is first mentioned as a port in 1274, began to grow its importance and on the year of 1685 Dumaresq map appeared a small pier was shown although a survey, Dumaresq describes as it being decayed. On the map it also appears a simple stone pier at St Brelade. However there were no type of facilities in St Helier at this time.

St Helier was the main harbour that was used for ships to sail and trade with.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

Jersey merchants exchanged cod-fish for many types of goods. For example:

  • Rum
  • Tobacco
  • Sugar
  • Plantation goods
  • Coffee
  • Cotton
  • Malasses

Jersey seamen braved the ocean to bring back cod fish and oil, skins, furs, sugar, tobacco, etc. 1806- 4,000 tods of wool were imported into Jersey.  In exchange, Robin would load his ship with plantation produce such as sugar, rum, molasses, cotton, coffee and tobacco before sailing across on the third leg of the Atlantic triangular trade route to the Mediterranean, England and Jersey.

Jersey's involvement in the Newfoundland and Gaspe cod fishing industry -  Jerripedia

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

Due to the cod trade and related shipping industry, the spawn of shipbuilding industry with a significant number of shipyards on the south and east coasts of jersey. Initially, fishing vessels for the jersey fleet had been built in the outposts in Canada. This activity then shifted to jersey, with the large scale commercial shipyard starting operation in 1815. In that year, 69 vessels with the total tonnage of 7,519 were registered in jersey and by 1865, these figures had increased to 422 and 48,629, about 80% of the tonnage having been built locally. It is estimated that in the 1860s about 6% of the total tonnage of wooden fishing fleets built in the British Isles had been built in the Channel Islands, mainly Jersey

The best indication of the growth of the economy in the first half of the 19th century was the doubling of the size in population from 28,600 in 1821 to 57,020 in 1851.

Some more important dates include:

1699 – Finally a Monsieur Maillet circa 1750 got the fishing industry profitable.

1766-1842 – Jersey profited by the British conquests in Canada. It almost transformed the Gaspé coast between these years into a Jersey colony.

 By the 1770s there may have been up to 70 Jersey ships and 2,000 Jerseymen engaged in the cod trade. By the 1840s it is estimated that the industry directly employed 4,000 people. Also, many others were engaged in manufacturing goods to be exported to the Canadian settlements.

Then, additional English speaking immigrant labourers, which many were Irish, came to work on the major building schemes such as the Esplanade, fort regent, St Catherines harbour project and the harbour development. The unskilled workers were underpaid and exploited which meant they lived in the poorest parts of town where they were exposed to cholera epidemics of 1832 and 1849. Other nationalities began their print on Jersey due to the work opportunities.

Fun Facts About Jerseys Maritime History

Green Street - Jerripedia

Rope Walk- Behind Jerseys shipyards there were a number of rope-makers and rope-walks (: a long covered walk, building, or room where ropes are manufactured.) This can be remembered by walking along Green Street in town, where you’ll find place names like Rope walk and La Corderie (Rope making in French).

St Brelade's Bay - Jerripedia

St Brelarde- Record’s from 1810 show that this bay was very popular with smugglers. Large shipments of Brandy and Gin were taken on at the bay to be secretly delivered to the English coast.

Who was Charles Robin?

Captain of a ship working in the Newfoundland cod trade. Him and his two brothers formed a trade. (Robin & Co.) Sold dried cod to Portugal and Spain. He had connections to the Quebec government which gave him exclusive access to the best beach locations near fishing grounds. He died in St .Aubin on 14th June 1824, aged 81.

Jèrriais Maritime history

bete, baitbeita ;dranet, draw-net, dragnet;flie, a limpet, flie;greer, to rig, greidi;haler, to haul, hala;crabe, a crab, krabbi;mauve, a seagull, mar

During the German Occupation, Jersey folk were able to communicate with each other in secret without the invaders understanding the jargon. After the second world war, a boost in influence from the English language became much more popular, and sadly, the mother tongue began to fade away.

Bouônjour! - One Day @ a Time

Mood board

History and development of St Helier Harbour

Mood board

Ship building only became a serious business in the islands in the late 18th century with the requirement to build ships larger than fishing boats allowing Jersey merchants to take part in the Atlantic carrying trade. Between 1760 and 1815 Great Britain was at war for 36 years, which affected the maritime trade, causing dangers and opening possibilities of profit.

Late Modern: This period covers the rise of the British Empire into the Victorian era, through the First World War and then the Second World War. This saw the introduction of iron ships, steam, then oil powered ships.

A Guernsey merchant William Le Lacheur formed a company in the 1830s and operated ships, and set up a new trade with Costa Rica to bring their coffee to Europe.

Both St Peter Port and St Helier harbours were proving too small for the larger ships and increasing tonnages, with both drying out at low tide. Jersey added a few piers to its harbour. St Peter Port was extended by 1864 to allow ships to berth at any state of the tide. Secondary harbours at Saint Sampson, Guernsey and Saint Aubin, Jersey provided limited facilities.

Since the war, fishing has been reduced, with lobsters and crabs becoming the main catch in the islands with an annual value of around £10m in 1995.[6]: 135  Private boating has increased with the construction of marinas. Freighting changing from loose and pallets to containers with Ro-Ro for vehicles. 

 By the 1850s Jersey had 300-400 ships with a tonnage of over 40,000.

St Aubin was the main harbour for Jersey merchants before St Helier became the central maritime hub. St Helier harbours were proving too small for the larger ships and increasing tonnages, with both drying out at low tide. Jersey added a few piers to its harbour, such as Victoria and Albert Piers.

World Wars I and II. The First World War saw island shipping used for the war effort. The peace then saw a demand from visitors for transport with in boom in tourism. The islands were occupied by the Germans during the Second World War, and most island-based ships went to England in June 1940. Initially a number of fishing and private boats, then later smaller craft, made the perilous journey with over 200 escaping islanders. Not all survived: some were captured or shot, others drowned.

Since the war, fishing has been reduced, with lobsters and crabs becoming the main catch in the islands with an annual value of around £10m in 1995. Private boating has increased with the construction of marinas. Freighting changing from loose and pallets to containers with Ro-Ro for vehicles. Hydrofoils and then catamarans and wave piercers appeared as fast passenger ships.

Today, Ports of Jersey operates all entry and exit points to the island, including harbours and airport. They have plans to re-develop St Helier Harbour into a modern commercial maritime hub.

St Helier Harbour History + Mood board

Harbour History

Before 1700 St Helier had no decent harbour although a map of 1545 does show two stone piers in the area under Le Mont de la Ville, near where South Pier is today. The modern harbour dates back to the construction of the stone fronted quay at La Folie in the early 1700s.

So it was to St Aubin that the States turned when the demand for a harbour could no longer be ignored, and during the 17th century this certainly became the island’s principal port, where vessels headed to and from the cod fisheries on the Canadian coast would moor, alongside cargo vessels and privateers and their captures.

It was not a convenient location, however, because the berths dried out at low water, and there was no road to St Helier, which was still the island’s main town and marketplace. Cargoes had to be transported across the long beach from St Aubin to St Helier by horse and cart.

In 1790 work started on a new northern pier, known as the North Quay, and later the New North Quay, but it would be 25 years before it was completed.

There have been a number of 20th century developments. The tanker berth was built to allow tankers to offload fuel and oil supplies near to the fuel farm. It is also the outermost part (at the southern edge) of the harbour. Further north, La Collette Yacht Basin backs onto the Victoria Pier, and provides a deep-water harbour for leisure craft. Nearby is the area for the fishing fleet.

It was the 1980s when the Elizabeth Harbour, with its new terminal building for passengers, and separate freight area, was planned. It was opened by the Queen in 1989.

Mood Board

Jersey Maritime History

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

The merchant network operated with ownership and management in Jersey, producing of codfish in Canada and markets in the Caribbean, South America, Mediterranean and the Baltic. 

1497 Newfoundland discovered

1792 Former Wool merchant, Philip Nicolle, enters the Newfoundland trade in cod. In 1821 he owned fishing posts and 5 ships; in 1828 he owned 18 ships and added banking to his interests. The effect on trade of the American Civil War was said to have caused this firm to withdraw in 1863 from banking and from most of their fisheries.

1766-1842 Jersey profited by the British conquests in Canada. It almost transformed the Gaspé coast between these years into a Jersey colony.

1950s Clement and Company becomes the last Jersey company trading in Newfoundland cod.

Channel Island fishermen were among this and by the 1750s they had set up lucrative trade routes between Canada, Europe and America, establishing bases on the Gaspé Coast where they could salt and prepare the cod. 

For some early settlers, life in Canada was a move to prosperity and business success – an escape from problems back home to a new land of opportunity. 

But for others, life in Gaspé in the 17th and 18th century was one of debt and eventually  bankruptcy in a harsh climate thousands of miles from home. 

The Jersey communities fitted in well in Gaspé, and despite the fact they were a minority, speaking Jersey-French in their communities and businesses, they were the economic giants of the area. 

One of the biggest companies on the Gaspé coast was operated by Charles Robin, a Jersey merchant, who set up a fishing post at Paspebiac in 1767 after Canada passed to the English.

Although Robin was forced back to Jersey at the onset of the American Revolution, he returned in 1783 and took advantage of the lack of competition to set up a fishing monopoly. 

In 1802, Robin retired to Jersey, where he died in 1824, but he had trained his nephews Philip and James to take over the company. 

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

Jersey has been an island for approximately 8,000 years: therefore, apart from the last 60 years, the only way for people to come to or leave the island has been by sea. Over the centuries the way in which boats have been powered has changed – muscle power, wind power, steam power and now diesel power.

During the Roman period there was an established trade route between Alet (St Servan) and Hengistbury Head in Dorset. Guernsey was the favoured stop off point, because of the natural deep water harbour at St Peter Port, although these boats undoubtedly called in to Jersey as well.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

Jersey cod-merchants exported cod-fish to British colonies in the West Indies and later Brazil too in exchange for plantation goods, such as sugar, molasses, rum, cotton, coffee and tobacco which it brought to markets in America, Europe and the UK (Inc. Jersey).

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

 By the 1770s there may have been up to 70 Jersey ships and 2,000 Jerseymen engaged in the cod trade. By the 1840s it is estimated that the industry directly employed 4,000 people. Also, many others were engaged in manufacturing goods to be exported to the Canadian settlements.

However, Jersey was not without internal troubles notwithstanding increased prosperity. Both war and poor harvests led to increases in corn prices of such magnitudes that the poor were unable to feed themselves. Matters reached a head in 1769 when wealthy mill owners tried selling the little corn there was at very high prices to France, causing some local people to riot. The rioters went on to demand changes to the Island government which resulted in the Code of 1771, giving more power to the States Assembly.

What was the link with Jersey cod and the slave trade?

Jersey as an island made a fortune from the Newfoundland Cod Fisheries throughout the slave trade with cod being salted and dried then shipped to the Caribbean and used to feed enslaved people.

Was the Jersey Channel Islands involved in the slave trade?

“While Jersey was not a major centre of slave trading, such as Bristol or Liverpool, the Island was part of a global network of trade in slave-produced goods, such as sugar, coffee, cotton, tobacco and, most significantly, mahogany.

Cod and North America

The Channel Island fishing industry took to the opportunities offered with the opening up of the Grand Banks fisheries. Cod was valuable and from 1763 when Quebec was ceded to the British, colonies were founded by both Jersey and Guernsey in Newfoundland. The people in each colony undertook the fishing and drying, waiting for the company ship to arrive with trade goods they could exchange for the fish. Barrels of dried cod, 1,000-2,000 quintals a year, each weighing roughly 50 kg, being exported by ship to the Caribbean or western Europe. Sometimes there was a three-way trade with ships returning to the Channel Islands where the ship chandlers and merchants benefited.

The American war of independence saw the Guernsey fishing colony fade away as more profitable opportunities opened up, privateering. Jersey continued with the cod trade, in 1840 the Chamber of Commerce estimated the Island had 4,000 people and 8,000 tons of shipping employed in the industry.

The industry continued often using a triangle of fish to Spain, goods from Spain to the Islands and more goods to Newfoundland or cod to Brazil, coffee to Amsterdam and goods back to Canada. The cod monopoly ceased and died as a trade by 1886.

Jersey’s maritime history

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

15th century

  • 1497 Newfoundland discovered 1504 Small Norman fishing boats visited the coasts of Newfoundland.

16th century

  • 1504 Small Norman fishing boats visited the coasts of Newfoundland
  • 1562 Channel Islands boats noted on Grand Banks.

17th century

  • 1611 St Brelade and other parishes had fishermen who sailed to Newfoundland.
  • 1699 There were Seigneurs in Gaspé. A Monsieur Rivers in Mont Louis in 1699 set the industry on a permanent basis, but lack of government support led to failure. Finally a Monsieur Maillet circa 1750 got the fishing industry profitable.

18th century

  • 1758 Gaspé became British property.
  • 1789 Ship Elisha Tupper, 280 tons, built at Bel Royal for Janvrins, She was named after a Guernsey merchant.

19th century

  • 1806 4,000 tods of wool were imported into Jersey.

  • 1835 William Fruing, son of William, bought 36, La Colomberie, St. Helier.

20th century

  • 1914 Robin and Collas sold out to Robin, Jones and Whitman with HQ in Halifax, being no longer a Jersey company.
  • 1950s Clement and Company becomes the last Jersey company trading in Newfoundland cod.

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

Jersey has been an island for approximately 8,000 years, therefore, apart from the last 60 years, the only way for people to come to or leave the island has been by sea. Ports of Jersey was incorporated by the States Assembly in 2015 to provide lifeline public services and to create wider community and economic benefits.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

Jersey cod-merchants also exported cod-fish to British colonies in the West Indies and later Brazil too in exchange for plantation goods, such as sugar, molasses, rum, cotton, coffee and tobacco which it brought to markets in America, Europe and the UK. Within that context Jersey benefitted from the profits made in the British Empire build on a capitalist model of a slave-based economy Jersey seamen also braved the ocean to bring back cod fish and oil, skins and furs.

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

 By the 1770s there may have been up to 70 Jersey ships and 2,000 Jerseymen engaged in the cod trade. By the 1840s it is estimated that the industry directly employed 4,000 people. Also, many others were engaged in manufacturing goods to be exported to the Canadian settlements.

However, Jersey was not without internal troubles notwithstanding increased prosperity. Both war and poor harvests led to increases in corn prices of such magnitudes that the poor were unable to feed themselves. Matters reached a head in 1769 when wealthy mill owners tried selling the little corn there was at very high prices to France, causing some local people to riot. The rioters went on to demand changes to the Island government which resulted in the Code of 1771, giving more power to the States Assembly.

In 2021 Jersey Heritage produced report with details of current knowledge of Jersey’s links to the transatlantic slave trade.

 Jersey Heritage report on legacies of Transatlantic slavery in Jersey

Jersey historian Doug Ford carried out much historical research in 2006 as part of the efforts to mark the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade.

 A respectable trade or against humanity?


Jersey marmatite museum

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

it has been more than 400 years since the first Islanders crossed the Atlantic in search of pastures new. When the first Europeans reached Canada is unclear. By the beginning of the 16th-century Basque fishermen were travelling to the region to fish and, by 1580, around 10,000 European fishermen were making the transatlantic voyage to the area each year to fish for cod. Channel Island fishermen were among these and by the 1750s they had set up lucrative trade routes between Canada, Europe and America, establishing bases on the Gaspe Coast where they could salt and prepare the cod. The sea there is full of fish that can be taken not only with nets but with fishing-baskets. John Cabot after his voyage in 1497 It was easy to fish in the open sea for cod at any time of year, but fishing inshore was far more difficult. It was here that the Channel Island fishermen made their biggest catches during this period.

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

For neolithic farmers, travel over land was slow; on foot, as the wheel was unknown and the horse was not used as a beast of burden. As the land was heavily wooded, the easiest way to travel was on water; and because we know that the neolithic farmers settled Jersey when it had once more become an island, it is safe to assume that they had the skill to make some form of boat. In addition to this we know that they were also able to sail and navigate between the island and Armorica and over what is now the English Channel to the mainland.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

fish, finance and slavery

They traded and implicated slavery for exchange of humans/codfish.

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

  • 1763 Canada became British property.
  • 1764 Charles Robin aged 21, youngest son of Philippe and Anne, nee d’Auvergne, of Robin Pipon and Co, sailed as their agent from Jersey in Seaflower, a 41 ton brig to explore the possibility of establishing a fishery there.
  • 1765 Mr Munn , a Newfoundland historian, writes “But they ceased to occupy the prominent positions held by their forefathers, merchants of Jersey origin, during the eighteenth century when Jersey firms dominated at Havre de Grace up to the year 1765 when the Canadian fisheries commenced.
  • 1765 onwards. As the French and Quebec merchants moved away from the Gaspé coast, Jersey firms moved to the probably more profitable fisheries off the Gaspé coast.
  • 1765 Robin, Pipon and Company of Cape Breton Island founded. This firm established fishing posts as far north as Baie des Chaleurs, under the auspices of their kinsman, Charles Robin, who formed his own company in 1783.
  • 1766 Charles Robin returned to the coast with 41 ton brig. About this time Robin, Pipon and Co established at Bay des Chaleurs.
  • 1767 Charles Robin describes himself as agent for John Robin at Arichat, Coast of Acadia and Paspebiac. Agent for Coast of Canada for Robin, Pipon and Co. [aged] 23 years, salary £150 per annum.
  • 1767 Charles returned with Recovery, the Seaflower and shallop Neptune.
  • 1768 Jersey Chamber of Commerce makes provision to “relieve distressed families of seamen”.
  • 1768 The Janvrin firm in existence by this date.
  • 1766-1809 “The building of a commercial monopoly by this family (Robin) during that period is such that they can be called the biggest exploiters of this coast”.
  • 1769 Chamber of Commerce takes successful action to relieve Jersey vessels requiring British Customs Clearance (Navigation Act).
  • 1770 Jerseymen began to settle –not merely trade–on the Gaspé Coast. Janvrin arrived at Grande Greve.
  • 1778 Charles Robin (then aged 36), returned to Jersey in the Bee, 16 guns, with 40 crew and 40 passengers.
  • 1780s Clement and Company established a fishery at Harbor Grace, Newfoundland. This firm did not survive the two wars between 1793 and 1815.
  • 1783 Charles Robin forms his own firm Charles Robin and Co.
  • 1785 59 vessels left Jersey for Newfoundland with 957 seamen and 743 passengers.
  • 1786 Firm of David de Quetteville founded at the Avalon Peninsula, engaged in the cod trade and owning fisheries. During the wars of 1793-1815, this company moved to the east coast and finally to Labrador. It was ruined by the Jersey bank crashes of 1873.
  • 1789 Ship Elisha Tupper, 280 tons, built at Bel Royal for Janvrins, She was named after a Guernsey merchant.

Jersey`s maritime historian, the late John Jean lists, from local newspapers and almancs, the following firms engaged in the Newfoundland trade: Jersey Sailing Ships, (Chichester: Phillimore and Company, 1982)

  • 1790 Pierre Mallet, with the vessels Liberté, (69 tons), Magdaleine, (38 tons), Mary, (60 tons) and, in partnership with Fiott, Angelicque.
  • 1790 J and C Hemery, with the vessels Jenny, (54 tons), Resolution, (70 tons) and Queen, (144 tons).
  • 1790 [James] Poingdestre and [Aaron] de Ste Croix, with the vessels Success, (110 tons) and Vine, (129 tons); the latter owned also in partnership with Robinson, with whom Poingdestre also owned Corbet, (68 tons), in the same trade. De Ste Croix also owned with Ingouville Kenton, (113 tons). Of these vessels, Poigdestre and de Ste Croix had owned the Success from 1783. De Ste Croix was the son of Jean de Ste Croix, one of the founder members in 1768 of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce, who was the owner in that year of a 30 ton ship. This firm is known to have started in business trading with Newfoundland. They tansferred their interest, however, from Newfoundland cod to Honduras mahogany and were soon Jersey`s leading traders in Honduras mahogany. Note: This firm has often been needlessly confused with that of Messrs. F and G de Ste Croix, originally trading from 1838 as Gautier de Ste Croix, see below.
  • 1790 Pierre Le Brun [St Aubin?], with the vessels Prudent, (57 tons) and Nancy, (64 tons).
  • 1790 Brun Benest [St Aubin], master and owner, with the vessel Preference, (59 tons).
  • 1790 Francis Janvrin, with the vessels Peirson, (90 tons), Neptune, (131 tons), Cornhill, (192 tons) and Elisha Tupper, (280 tons). His brother, Philip Janvrin, owned in 1790 Industrie, (68 tons) and in 1792 Anne, in the same trade.
  • 1790 Mathew Gosset, with the vessels Angelicque, (42 tons), Kingfisher, (57 tons) and Hercules, (161 tons).
  • 1790 Geo. Rowcliffe, with the vessel La Concorde, (126 tons).
  • 1790 Jacques Remon, from a long-standing family of St Aubin merchants, with the vessel Beaver, (38 tons).
  • 1790 Philip Ahier, with the vessel Anne, (45 tons).
  • 1790 Edouard du Heaume, with the vessel Jupiter, (58 tons).
  • 1790 Jean Kirby, or Kerby, with the vessel Gaspé.
  • 1790 Jean Roissier, master and owner, with the vessel Providence, (72 tons).
  • 1790 Jean Le Vesconte, with the vessel Lynx, (183 tons).
  • 1790 Francis Amy, with the vessel Good Friends, (58 tons).
  • 1790 Jean Le Feuvre, with the vessel Friendship, (51 tons).
  • 1790 Edward Coombes, with the vessel Betsy, (77 tons.
  • 1790-1792 Charles Robin, with the vessels Expedient, (49 tons), Peace, (72 tons), Bacchus, (80 tons), Paspébiac, (133 tons), St Lawrence, (145 tons), Major Pierson, (172 tons), Hilton, (178 tons), St Peter, (210 tons), which fleet of eight vessels was Jersey`s foremost, with the Janvrins in second place. By 1800, however, David Lee in The Robins in Gaspé, 1766 to 1825, (Ontario: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1984), 63, states that Robin had only four ships, which demonstrates the fluctuations in fortune experienced, in times of war, by those engaged in this trade.
  • 1790 Missed by John Jean in the above list, David de Quetteville had, in that year, the 126 ton vessel Swift engaged in the Newfoundland trade: Almanach Historique (1790). In 1792, he had two vessels so engaged.
  • 1790 Also missed by Jean, Thomas Anquetil, a master/owner and Merchant, had the 71 ton vessel Two Friends in the Newfoundland trade, sailing there from Jersey in the spring of 1790: Ibid. He was in partnership with his brother, Francois Anquetil.
  • 1792 Former Wool merchant, Philip Nicolle, enters the Newfoundland trade in cod. In 1821 he owned fishing posts and 5 ships; in 1828 he owned 18 ships and added banking to his interests. The effect on trade of the American Civil War was said to have caused this firm to withdraw in 1863 from banking and from most of their fisheries. The firm was largely replaced by de Gruchy, Renouf and Clement.
  • 1798 Janvrin worked first for Robin and then started his own business at Grande Greve, North Coast. Admiral Ph. d’Auvergne proposed that naval vessels convoy Jersey ships for Newfoundland trade to Longitude 300 West.
  • It should be noted from John Jean`s list, above, as augmented, the part played by families of Huguenot origin, in Jersey`s 18th century commercial expansion. These included the GossetsHemerysFiottsAnquetils and Pierre Mallet who, from his surname, might be mistaken as being of Jersey stock, and afterwards the Le Croniers and Amirauxs, among others. Furthermore, John Jean`s list of forty-two Jersey ships engaged in the Newfoundland trade in the years 1790-1792, represents a mere `drop in the ocean` in comparison to Jersey`s 19th century involvement in the trade.
  • 1766-1842 Jersey profited by the British conquests in Canada. It almost transformed the Gaspé coast between these years into a Jersey colony.
  • 1806 4,000 tods of wool were imported into Jersey.
  • 1819 Firm of Philip Godfray and Peter Duval founded at Bonaventure Island and elsewhere, with fisheries. Forced to close by creditors in 1838.
  • 1820 William Fruing in Gaspé employed by C Robin and Company. He married Jane Alexandre at Miscou. Fishermen signed against the Americans.
  • 1821 First permanent shipyard of Geo. Deslandes, set up in Jersey.
  • 1822 Firm of William Le Brocq junr. and Company formed, in the New Brunswick carrying trade.
  • 1822 Firm of Le Vesconte and de Carteret, otherwise de Carteret and Le Vesconte, founded at Arichat and elsewhere, in Cape Breton Island, owning both fisheries and trading vessels. Isaac Le Vesconte was also a shipbuilder; Peter de Carteret became, furthermore, a Jersey banker.
  • 1826 Firm of F and J Perrée founded at Point Saint-Pierre, Gaspé, where his fishery adjoined in the 1830s that of Abraham de Gruchy. The Perrées sold to their agents, Collas, in 1851.
  • 1827 Abraham de Gruchy starts trading with Gaspé.
  • 1829 Philippe Robin wrote of W. Fruing that “his valuable presence” was replaced by “my nephew John Gosset”.
  • 1830 Recorded that “a Jersey company Les Fandouines was formed which would dominate the fishing industry at Shippagan for a long time”. W. Fruing signed a petition.
  • 1830 Firm of John Le Boutillier founded at Gaspé Town, with fisheries along the north coast of Gaspé. This firm and that of his cousins, David and Amy Le Boutillier, became prior to 1873, Jersey`s third largest combined shipping concern, behind only that of the Robins and Nicolles. John Le Boutillier became insolvent in 1873, following Jersey`s bank crashes in that year. His firm was taken over by cousins, Le Boutillier Brothers.
  • 1830 William Fruing (Robin’s orphan protege) chief agent for Robin at Paspebiac.
  • 1831 Firm of Philip Le Vesconte founded. Closed in 1863 [John Jean].
  • 1832 Firm of William Fruing and Co formed, in the fisheries, at Miscou. A brother-in-law Capt. Joshua Alexandre was manager at Caraquet.
  • 1834 Firm of R. and E. Falle founded at Burin, Newfoundland, in the fisheries, based upon Jersey Shipping lists. However, J. Jean has 1826 and G.R. Balleine 1832.
  • 1835 William Fruing, son of William, bought 36, La Colomberie, St. Helier.
  • 1836 Janvrins owned three branches, plus Grande Greve.
  • 1836 Abraham de Gruchy at Point Saint-Pierre, Gaspé, with “large fishing establishment”, sold in 1854 to John Fauvel, a former Robin mamager; and fishing posts in Malbaie and Newfoundland.
  • 1837 1,200 vessels used the port of St Helier to carry the trade of the Island.
  • 1838 David Le Boutillier founded, with his brother Capt. Amy Le Boutillier, Le Boutillier Brothers. Jersey almanacs` description of this firm as “Le Boutillier and Company” between the years 1847 and 1860, has resulted in its being confused frequently, even by the maritime historian, John Jean, with “J. Le Boutillier”, above. This firm, which had numerous fishing `posts,` took over, in 1873, the John Le Boutillier firm but became bankrupt, following Jersey`s 1886 bank crashes.
  • 1840 The heirs of John, Francis and Brelade Janvrin withdraw from the cod trade.

Zine Design and Layout

To create this zine, I first created a page with specific things. For example, a width of 148 mm, height of 210mm, 16 pages, 2 columns with a gutter of 5mm. Then for margins, I selected 10mm for each subcategory. Finally, I made a bleed of 3mm. Once I had this blank page created, I then created a box using the rectangle frame tool. I then chose an image to put in the box which would go on my first page. I decided to use a Jersey Archive photograph as the idea of my zine is the harbour through time so I wanted to start with the oldest image I had. I decided to make this image fill up almost the whole page as it is the title page. To do this, I made the box I created initially larger then right clicked the middle of the photograph and selected fit frame proportionally. I then added a boarder to this image and made the background a grey colour to make the colour scheme of the image. Finally, I added a title to the top of the page. I decided to call it ‘St Helier Harbour through time’. Finally, I experimented with different fonts. I ultimately decided on ‘Modern No. 20’.

For my first double page, I decided to create 4 boxes where I would input 4 of my landscape images from my harbour photoshoot. At first, I made the images a bit smaller and left a lot of room for text but as I added the text I realised that I wanted to show more of the images rather than text as it looked cluttered. In the end, I made the images of the right side longer and cut down on the amount of text I had. Next, I added boarders around my images and created a background using a rectangle shape then changing the colour of the shapes to make them grey like the images. Finally, I added a drop shadow to the shapes in order to give my page some more depth.

The next page I decided to make more simpler as the last page was very full of text. So, I made one big box covering both sides of the page then added one of my landscape photographs. I then finished up this page by adding a boarder to the image and using the rectangle shape tool to create more shapes in the background (adding a drop shadow to these too).

On this page, I made two boxes, one filling up each page. I then added portrait images I had taken. This time, I decided to use the circle shape tool instead to create some contrast in my backgrounds. I layered these on top of each other, making the smaller circles darker. Finally, I made a boarder around the two images.

On this next page, I decided to add some text as I hadn’t in a while and wanted to experiment more with my layout. However, this time I decided to make one page just filled with one big image to ensure it wouldn’t look messy. On the right page. I created two rectangular boxes in the corner of each side. Then, I added text into the empty space which talked about the history of St Helier Harbour. Once I had added boarders to the images, I then used the rectangle shape tool once again to make rectangles going horizontally across the page, making each rectangle smaller and darker. Finally I added drop shadows to each of the rectangles.

This next page changed drastically to what I originally had planned. Initially, I intended to add a whole page of writing on the right page but ultimately decided against it as it was becoming overwhelming with text. So, I instead decided to use some more images from the Jersey archives such as maps and old pictures of Jersey Harbour. Also, I had first added a background of the sea but then decided to change it for just plain shapes as the vast amount of pictures and texture in the sea made it look clutter and not nice to look at.

Similarly to earlier, for this page I just added two big images to either side of the page. However, this time I made the images go right to the end of the page with no boarders on the pictures. I felt this helped to create a contrast between the writing pages previously.

In this next page, I wanted to experiment further with my layout and so I decided to create a polaroid like shape around one of my images then added a text box below it. Finally, I added rectangles going down the pages and added a boarder to the left image.

When I first added images to my zine, I put this one in but as I went through again, I decided to delete this page as I felt the image didn’t fit in with the colour scheme of the other images as the others were very blue and vibrant but this one was more dull and brown and looked out of place. This also meant I had 20 pages instead of 22 which was required for printing.

Again, this page consisted of two big images on either side. I then elevated the page by adding shapes in the background.

For my final double page, I decided to fill it up completely with one image that covered it entirely.

Finally, to finish off my zine, I added a grey background to the final page which matched the colour of the background in the first page of the zine to give it a seamless effect. I did this by adding to rectangle shapes to my blank page then using the pipette tool to get the exact colour as seen on the first page.

Jersey’s maritime history 

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

It has been more than 400 years since the first Islanders crossed the Atlantic in search of grassland. They went to plunder the cod-rich seas of the American and Canadian coast.

By the beginning of the 16th-century Basque fishermen were travelling to the region to fish and, by 1580, around 10,000 European fishermen were making the transatlantic voyage to the area each year to fish for cod. Channel Island fishermen were among these and by the 1750s they had set up lucrative trade routes between Canada, Europe and America, establishing bases on the Gaspé Coast where they could salt and prepare the cod to sell. 

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

During the Roman period there was an established trade route between Alet (St Servan) and Hengistbury Head in Dorset. Guernsey was the favoured stop off point, because of the natural deep water harbour at St Peter Port, although these boats undoubtedly called in to Jersey as well.

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

Jersey cod-merchants exported cod-fish to British colonies in the West Indies and later Brazil too in exchange for plantation goods, such as sugar, molasses, rum, cotton, coffee and tobacco which it brought to markets in America, Europe and the UK (Inc. Jersey).

To what extent has the island of Jersey benefited from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?

 By the 1770s there may have been up to 70 Jersey ships and 2,000 Jerseymen engaged in the cod trade. By the 1840s it is estimated that the industry directly employed 4,000 people. Also, many others were engaged in manufacturing goods to be exported to the Canadian settlements.

However, Jersey was not without internal troubles notwithstanding increased prosperity. Both war and poor harvests led to increases in corn prices of such magnitudes that the poor were unable to feed themselves. Matters reached a head in 1769 when wealthy mill owners tried selling the little corn there was at very high prices to France, causing some local people to riot. The rioters went on to demand changes to the Island government which resulted in the Code of 1771, giving more power to the States Assembly.

1x fun fact of the maritime history-

Jersey has the third largest tidal movement in the world, with tides of over 40 feet (13 metres).  The tide rises at a speed of 10 kph but on the south coast of the island, the sea rushes through the gullies at some points faster than a running horse.