What is the Rohingya crisis?
The Rohingya crisis is about the ethnic minority group The Rohingya who have been denied citizenship in Myanmar and faced decades of persecution. Currently nearly one million Rohingya refugees reside in neighbouring Bangladesh’s district. They are living in highly congested camps which makes them prone to bad weather crisis’s, insecurity and disease along with not having access to basic services such as health, sanitation and education along with many other things.
My response to the exhibition
My Evaluation
This exhibition of photos made me feel incredibly fortunate as children and families are living in congested camps which puts them at risk of catching diseases and illnesses and there are also dangerous weather hazards that they could face where they are living. However the Rohingya have a great sense of community which is something that I value because they stick together and help each other out as a community instead of being an individualist community. The publics response to the photos shows how some people have strong emotions towards the images and other people just walk past and don’t even acknowledge that they are there which shows the importance of these images and by putting them on display in a public area like town they are encouraging people to take notice and take action about the situation that is happening in Bangladesh.