Picture Stories: Research and Analysis

Mood board

These picture stories are all related to the Vietnam war and the war in Budapest. These picture stories show a lot of information about these events and describe what happened from these tragic photos.

Types of photos used in picture stories

  • Establishing Shot
  • Detail Shot
  • Relationship Shot
  • Observed Shot
  • Environmental Portrait
  • Formal Shot

Analysis of Picture story

In this photo page spread there are four different photos and you can see that there is a few detail shots which have been taken close up and show clearly what is happening. There is a relationship shot at the bottom right hand corner which shows a man and a woman walking along the street after the war that has just broken out in the street. Most of the photos that have been taken are observed shots and have been captured when no one knew they were being photographed there were no formal shots of anyone in the photos. The establishing shot is the largest photo at the top of the page which shows what is going on in the series of photos.

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