To make your page spread…
First open Adobe InDesign, and choose a document size appropriate to your preferences.
For example, I am using a 3 page A3 size, and have picked the precise measurements.
Photos. – These are the photos I have chosen for my three separate pages, I have chosen to have my:
- My first page filled with 5 black and white images this represents.
- My second page is filled with 4 Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom edited photos where I used the selective colouring method to edit these.
- My third page is filled with 5 coloured images I took in St Malo.
Page 1
Starting off photo-layout.
Page 2
Starting off photo-layout.
Page 3
Starting off photo-layout.
I then created gaps saved for text, and filled them with ‘placeholder text‘ this is in order to gain an insight into what my picture story is going to look like after my description has been inserted. I also practiced my titles and fonts before coming up with my final title idea.
My title of ‘Shades of St Malo’ is used to demonstrate my three different pages of my picture story. With my story eventually getting more colourful by the end, this can be used as a metaphor of e.g.
- The different types of people around St Malo
- The different lifestyles and jobs of the people of St Malo
- The different locations of St Malo
- The different weathers of St Malo
This is linked to Henri-Cartier Bresson because I am demonstrating the observing of an ‘outsider‘ and the idea of how we perceive someone or something, may be a complete different viewpoint of the truth. For example:
In this photo, to me the man looked rushed and concerned. This is due to the expression on his face and the pace he was walking at. This makes me think he had somewhere to be, was running late or did not know where he was going. However, this perception may be completely wrong and the man may be instead, perfectly content, on time and aware of his surroundings. This observation is my initial thoughts whilst observing this person, my theme of being ‘the observer’ and finding the ‘perfect moment‘ to photograph. If this photo was taken a second later, the expression on his face may have changed, or his pace may have changed, which would make me perceive the man in that current moment, in a different way. This idea of different types of people therefore ties into the ‘Shades of St Malo‘ as it shows the different personalities and surroundings and how some may seem ‘black and white‘ to you and some are more ‘colourful and transparent‘
Finished Work.
Here is my page spread named ‘Shades of St Malo’.
I attempted to explain my perspective and how it relates to Henri- Cartier Bresson’s work. I also touched on why St Malo is such a popular tourist place and what attracts people to visit.
I have also then mounted my picture story onto foam board for display.