Final Piece Evaluation:

In my final piece exam period I learned how to manage my time better so that I have time to manage every single step.

In order to cut the photographs to a satisfactory measurement, I used a Kraft knife and the metal paper trimmer as well as a long ruler to balance the other subject in a straight line. As well as using black thick card used to border the photographs and white mount board on all my final pieces.

Anthropocene Final Pieces:

Firstly, I focused on my Anthropocene photographs and decided to layer them horizontally on top of each other. I mounted them up with white behind so that the colour can pop and so that the photographs aren’t all over the place. The presentation of the photographs mean that they are easily seen by the viewer and they look interesting in the way they are put as there’s only three of them not four.

Presented in the image at the top, I decided to include a photograph I took at the reservoir in St Ouens and I used Photoshop’s artificial intelligence to dry up the highlighted water area in order to make it appear in a different time, potentially something as a result of the climate’s impacts. In the middle photograph I placed two images side by side to contrast each the as the image on the left is of nature and the yellowy branches, whereas the image of the right of it is of the zoomed-up La Collette tower flipped. I thought it was especially interesting to flip this as the black and white imaged flipped looked like some sort of structure that can be climbed up or some sort of puzzle.

Lastly, the image at the bottom is taken in a near by beach near St Brelades called Beauport. Along the trail there is a cliff which ha been photographed, in this photograph on the left where there are normally fields upon fields I artificially placed some virtual houses over looking the bay. I believe these houses look realistic despite being the opposite.

Landscape Photographs:

I placed and bordered my landscape photographs in white mount board to level my image as well as to have a white border around.

In terms of my landscape photographs I focused on taking them in a different positioned and direction despite being in the same location around.

I like the fact they are in black and white as it adds to the photographs and they’re textures, layers and other aspects like the outlines contrasting with the white elements.

I found it important that the photograph is close up as the structures of the land and nature are more prominent whereas if it were at a further distance the detail would not be that clear, there is one photograph which is photographed from a higher perspective and more distanced, on this occasion the photograph is further away but there are details which make the image more elaborate and full.

Urban Landscape Photograph:

In my urban landscape photograph I decided to present this individually as I think it is effective singularly. I mentioned in my plan that I would have presented it by itself.

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