Nick Frank Inspired Anthropocene Edits

I was inspired by these photos because I like how the colour in the background is used to make the buildings stand out and is clear that they are the main subject in the photo. However, though the main subject of the image is the buildings, it could also be interpreted that these images are focussed on the sky. He may have created these images to portray that the sky is polluted and he has shown this with colour in attempt to create a happy image even though it is showing us the disasters that are happening in the world in terms of pollution.

These images were inspired by Nick Frank who focussed on the idea of creating images where the focus is on the buildings and not the foreground or the background. He made the background of the images a different colour which I have done here.

On photoshop, I started by levelling my image to ensure that the buildings stood out and weren’t white washed. I then took the quick selection tool to select the background. I had to zoom into some parts of the picture and make the quick selection tool brush smaller to be more precise especially in the trees. After I did this, I right clicked and selected layer via copy to create a layer on top of the background layer. Before I did anything else I made sure I was on the layer that I had copied. I then took selected the colour picker and chose what colour I wanted, I then proceeded to select the paint bucket tool to colour in the background by selecting the sky.

I like how my images turned out because I like the bright colours which make the images stand out. I have done my own twist on these images related to Anthropocene to show that the air is polluted with all the toxic fumes that are being released on human’s terms. I have made the colours stand out where the sky was because it infers that the sky is being hidden by something pleasant and aesthetically pleasing and shows that as humans, we are oblivious to the things we do in our day-to-day life that is polluting our air.

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