My plan is to relate my work with Ed Ruscha and Peter Mitchell. The main objective is to keep my images vintage and keep an old aesthetic. I will continue to take images of a variety of petrol stations like Ruscha and edit them into a typology to create difference. I will slightly edit them to make it look as if I am using an old camera however this factor may be challenging as technology as evolved and is difficult to make it look not modern. Within Mitchell, my focused objective is to take images of old buildings and compare them with modern buildings such as a modern cinema, shops, churches and old housing. With Mitchell, I will not be editing my images completely due to the fact it is not the image that is old it is the subject. This creates a contrast between the two artists as they are both obtaining an old aesthetic however in a varied way. A similarity I will be executing is the front on from far away point of view so the viewers can see the whole aspect. A large feature that is different is the time these were took and the choice of colours. I will be keeping my images in relation to Ruscha black and white and Mitchells in colour so I obtain my clear aim and succeed in my objective.

My work with Ruscha is specified as it is targeted towards petrol stations due to the carbon footprint which links to the Anthropocene. Furthermore, my plan is go around everywhere in the island to take multiple images. However, my plan with Mitchell is to focus in St. Helier as I believe it has the oldest features of every day life. However, it may be challenging to find old aesthetic factors as everything is evolving to be modern. Therefore, to make it easier and more accessible I will compare modern and vintage buildings to create variety.
In particular, I have chosen these artists in relation to the Anthropocene because I wanted to photograph the causes rather than the outcome and consequences. This is why I chose Ruscha due to the fact petrol has one of the largest carbon footprints and effect air pollution massively. So instead of completely showing the viewers the effect, I will be making viewers think deeply about every day factors people use and execute without giving it a second thought. I have chosen Mitchell to show the materials and the effect of evolving to more modern features due to building and the use of materials etc.