My first artist case study was Naomi White and her Plastic Bags, where she took something so normal and dramatized it to make it portray a feeling.
My response to this was this image –
The reason that I think this image relates to her work so much is because of the use of an ordinary plastic bag, created into something special. She was interested in the way that plastic responds to touch, you can see that my model is breathing in and suffocating herself with the bag portraying how the plastic bag is responding to touch. The main reason I wanted to take inspiration from her was to spread awareness, almost everyone has seen an animal entrapped in a plastic something, in danger and in pain. This doesn’t faze people anymore, whereas something as dramatic as this happening to a person will faze people, this will raise awareness and almost embarrass and scare people, they know that they’ve used many disposable plastic bags before, harming the earth, and will end up feeling guilty for harming an animal now that they see it happening too someone who could be them. Although her images are studio lighting, portrait and on a light box I did keep it similar with the use of studio lighting, keeping it plain and simple.
My second artist case study was Lucas Foglia and his ‘human nature’, where he dramatises misuse of the earth’s element’s.
My response to this was this image –
The reason that I think this relates to Lucas Foglia’s work is because it is a dramatic difference. I didn’t take use of how he used elements simply because I thought that would be too difficult for me to do, but instead I took use of his contrast. He usually takes images of humans sat with something very dramatic which can create a huge scare within people, wondering how they ever managed to do that. I have used natural lighting, which portrays the earth like he does and have taken a photo of a new sculptured through the gates of an old bunker dramatising change. Maybe proving that people cannot change their ways, there will always be some type of disruption that they leave behind no matter how hard they try to change.