Storm damage
For this task, over half term i decided to go on a drive around jersey and take photos of storm damage. i visited parks, fields, estates, small lanes and football pitches. These are some of my best images:

I like this photo as it shows the roots of the tree that have been pulled out of the ground. This represents how strong the storm was to physically pull a tree out the ground.

These two images are very similar. I like these pictures because the grass is eye catching along with the neutral colours of the tree and sky/background. I like how they both have standing trees in the background to show the variation of how the storm affected these areas.

This image shows the raw reality of how the storm has damaged the island. It almost tells a story amongst the storm and how people had to deal with this experience.

This image is one of my bests. I love how gloomy the picture looks, it really brings out the horrifying experience everyone went through during the storm.

I love this image as the contrasts of the different colours draws you in.
Landscape images