Anthropocene photoshoot plan

Photoshoot 1

For my first photoshoot I am planning on focusing on overpopulation. Taking inspiration from photos like this…

To be able to achieve something like this I’m going to go to fort regent where I can get a good look the part of town specifically where the roads are busier. I think taking these photos at around 6pm would be the best idea as that it the time that most people finish work meaning the roads will be at its busiest.

photoshoot 2

For my second photoshoot I am planning g on using plastic bags like Naomi White with bright lights behind theme to create similar effects like this…

For these all I’m going to have to do is collect some plastic bags preferably coloured and have them in front of this white background with a cool toned light in front to make the bags stand out more and it tends to make them look more sheer.

Photoshoot 3

For this photoshoot I would like to do it inspired by Barry Rosenthal who could take objects either the same item like food wrappers or items of the same colour like in the picture in the middle.

In order to achieve this I’m going to have to start collecting plastic similar to which Barry Rosenthal uses and in the studio have a piece of black card then start organising the plastic to create the sharp shape for the square which he uses in his images.

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