First Photoshoot – Towns landscape: New and Old buildings
Green coloured:
These photos are rated 4 – 5 on the star rating, and are flagged: This means that they fit the aesthetic of ‘New Topographic’ photographers like Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz and Frank Gohlke.

Yellow coloured:
These images are taken well but lack the correct amount of exposure, need to be cropped or re-adjusted with their angles.

Red coloured:
These images did not fit the aesthetic because they where either blurry, poorly taken or did not fit the concept I was basing my photoshoot off.

Second Photoshoot – Walk Out across seaside and industrial area.
Green coloured:
These photos are rated 4 – 5 on the star rating, and are flagged: This means that they fight the aesthetic of ‘New Topographic’ photographers like Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz and Frank Gohlke.

Yellow coloured:
These images are taken well but lack the correct amount of exposure, need to be cropped or re-adjusted with their angles.

Red coloured:
These images did not fit the aesthetic because they where either blurry, poorly taken or did not fit the concept I was basing my photoshoot off.